Lithium Product Update No7

What we’ve built this week…

Future Venture
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2022


Another week, another tonne of value pushed. We may not be the biggest development team in the game, but by God we are efficient.

If you wanted proof that big dev teams don’t equal productive dev teams just check out this thread by the one and only SBF on why more devs usually means a worse output.

🏧 Project Rewards

The star of the show this week was the unveiling of our project rewards feature. It’s such a clean experience, one that requires a lot of backend wizardry.

Let’s imagine you’re a long-term Lithium holder, you were staked for our very first launches and also took part in a number of our competitions. For your dedication, you’ve amassed a couple of Airdrops, one on BSC and one on Polygon, you’ve also won a free tier upgrade, being paid in the native $IONs token.

On most web3 apps, if you wanted to claim these rewards, you’d have to swap chains in your MetaMask, see the different rewards for that chain and then go through the arduous process of claiming each token separately.

Here at Lithium, we think a little different

We asked ourselves the question, what would the best possible experience for claiming rewards look like?

We came up with the following

  • All rewards would be visible, regardless of what chain you are on
  • All rewards would be claimable with the click of a single button.

Given these requirements, our fullstack Wizard, Badger, got to work on making it a reality. The result — the best reward claiming function the world of web3 has ever seen.

Multiple rewards, multiple chains, all done in the click of a button.

Bravo sers 👏

🖼 Project Page Updates

Throughout the bear, we want to give people as much visibility on what we are launching as possible.

We’ve made some important changes to the projects page this week

  • Projects can now be added without a launch date, and show the ‘coming soon’ tag
  • Images have been added to the project about page
  • The investment modal now clearly shows coming soon with an email update box before the pool goes live.

We’ve got a lot planned for the pools page which we will share in the coming weeks. As will all things Lithium you can expect this to be a best-in-class feature.

Thanks for tuning in,

See you next week for another update of Product Thursday.


Tom, Team Lithium x

