Future Vision
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2019


1st came Nintendo…then came PlayStation 2…then Xbox…Welcome to the next gaming revolution…STADIA

I know what your thinking…where is Atari, Sega Genesis, or even the PC. I won’t argue that these game systems were relevant but they didn’t change the world like the others I mentioned and here is why.

Nintendo gave us the 1st universal gaming stars ever. They also made it normal for everyone to have a game console in their home. Mario, Link, and Mega man were the big stars back in the day. They were the Marlon Brando’s and James Dean’s of this era. Don’t forget the supporting cast and secondary stars like Little Mac, the Contra boys, Zelda, Luigi, Kirby, Bubble and Bobble, and good old Bowser. This was the first major revolution until the PS2.

PlayStation 2 was the first step towards real change in the gaming console world. It was the first gaming console with a DVD player, a new fresh cast of characters, and swagger. This console gave us our more modern players like Snake, Kratos, and the GTA boys. This system built on what Nintendo did with building franchises but managed to build many without a consistent main character like a Mario and a Link. This was the blockbuster era of gaming. I will also include some titles that lifted this gaming system to legendary status. Here are the blockbusters …Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto 3, Resident Evil 4, Kingdom Hearts, Soul Caliber 2, Final Fantasy X, God of War, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Then their were some singular titles like, Shadow of Colossus (Your welcome), Okami, Ico, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, NBA Streets Vol. 2, and Viewtiful Joe. This then opened the door for the juggernaut known as XBOX…

The XBOX was the first system to have a hard drive inside of the console and true internet gameplay through its online platform XBOX Live. This opened the door for taking major gaming franchises and playing against others worldwide. The biggest of these was Halo 2. XBOX proved with only one true blockbuster besides the original Halo of course you could truly create a revolution. Halo and Halo 2 weren’t just blockbusters like Mario Bros. 1, 2, & 3 or the GTA saga on PlayStation. Halo and Halo 2 are what I call the Mega-Blockbuster like an Avatar or Avengers: Endgame. These games were so big with their iconic characters like, “The Master Chief and Cortana” that bundled with their online playroom and hardware power they truly created a whole new standard to how gaming systems were created. This was until the dream crushing STADIA was announced…

STADIA at $9.99 per month gives you the best online experience using Google’s infrastructure. You just need a controller and a Google smartphone, Google tablet, Chrome-cast enabled TV, or computer to play. They are starting with some major gaming franchises like Destiny but what STADIA is really doing is creating a platform for the next major revolution in gaming. This is where you need very minimal hardware and don’t have to worry about downloading or lagging to slow down your online experience. It won’t be long before some blockbusters and even megablockbusters follow. Watch as soon others like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft follow suit. This is because this is our next great gaming revolution…👍

