Ben Mallah — the $250,000,000 Real Estate Mogul

Atanas Shorgov
Future Vision
Published in
4 min readJul 21, 2019


Ben Mallah is the guy who plays Monopoly for real. His description, not mine. He is a Tampa Bay real estate mogul with a net worth of $250,000,000. That’s a lot of money if you ask me.

Ben is also a pretty cool and straightforward guy, who likes to keep it real. He started from nothing, growing up in Queens, New York, dropping out of high school, and getting to the position he is in now — it makes for quite a fascinating story.

His childhood wasn’t easy, living in the slumps, surrounded by criminals, raised by a lunatic mother according to his words, in a shitbox bungalow.

Often, individuals raised in the hardest conditions built resilience and mental toughness that others could never achieve. Living in such an environment and surviving in there for many years teaches you life lessons that can’t be described by the textbooks.

Everything that Ben’s parents did, he did the opposite.

Bad parents can set good examples of what not to do. Unhappiness, hatred, and other strong negative emotions can be a strong motivator for achieving success.

You don’t want to be a failure like everybody around you. Overcoming all these challenges that come from your surroundings, makes you almost immune to failure.

