All Talk and No Product

Creating a story that will be told for you

Zach D
Future Vision
2 min readApr 23, 2019


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Photo by Sean Patrick Murphy

Talk is not only cheap, but also an excuse for us to avoid work. Yet we love to talk about our dreams and aspirations because talking is easy. It’s not just cheap it’s completely free, free besides the opportunity cost of not actually working on our product.

Before you say you’re not an entrepreneur or inventor, a product does not have to be a physical object you create and sell. A product can be you. Maybe you are really good at your job and are completely happy working for a company and becoming successful at your chosen profession. You still have a product. Inventors have inventions, creators have creations, and professionals have professions. They are all products that provide value to the world in their own way.

Yet it it is far too easy to dream of all the things we could accomplish or create without actually making progress on any of them. Instead we talk about doing them. This gives us a rush of pleasure without the stress, dedication, and time involved actually working on those goals. We tell our loved ones and friends all the things we are going to do, while they smile and nod, telling us how proud they are while secretly knowing we will probably not do any of it. It’s not that they don’t believe in us, it’s just that we all know, consciously or not, that as humans we talk a big game without actually backing it up. This is why so many narcissists find themselves in leadership positions, because they are masters at convincing people they are more competent than they actually are, without putting the work in.

If we stop talking and focusing on our product, we instantly create more value. A product in hand is infinitely more valuable than an idea. Anyone can come up with an idea and share it, sure some are bad and some are great, but they are all simply ideas until there is a product. Maybe that is a new process or tool you develop for your profession or maybe it is a new technology that will change the lives of millions. Neither is better or worse, because they are both products that are improving the world around us. Not just ideas on a shelf collecting dust.

So if you find yourself in a perpetual state of dreaming and realize that none of the great ideas you’ve had in the last five years have come to fruition. It could be you just haven’t put the work in. So stop dreaming and start producing.



Zach D
Future Vision

Be curious, have fun, fight some evil while you’re at it