Future Vision
Published in
1 min readJun 4, 2019


Apple finally apologizes for their overpricing, intentional battery slow-down, and lack of customer support.

Well…Apple finally caved. After $1000 smartphones that never really hit the mark with customers they have officially offered an apology and a price reduction. They also have apologized for their $999 stand and actually have included it with their new sleek XDR Pro display.

But they didn’t stop there. They have decided to replace customers batteries for free for all the slower iPhone models from iPhone 7 and before. They also have offered a very fair and balanced refund program.

Finally after all this Apple love, they have decided to offer warranties for their products for free, 24 hour customer support and repair (depending on your warranty), and free hardware like a fast charging plug and case.

Apple truly has made up for all their past mistakes…

Well…if only any of this was true. In a perfect world Apple would still act like a company who cares about their customers. But Tim Cook’s Apple ain’t the Apple we all knew and loved. Thanks Apple…hopefully one day you will see the error of your ways.

