Earn Stellar Lumens (XLM) cryptocurrency with Future Vision

Keenan Olsen
Future Vision
Published in
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2 min readJun 3, 2019
Where we going? The moon

Dear FutureVision Network,

Today we are announcing a new vision. We are officially a community on Keybase. With this comes some very rad perks for you all, in the way of FREE cryptocurrency. That’s right. Free.

As a special token of gratitude, we are gifting each of our members Stellar Lumens (XLM) cryptocurrency as blast off present. This Keybase community is strictly for FV members & is a place for visionaries to post news, ideas and other high-quality posts that bring value to the other members. And if you like something that someone posts, just tip them with Lumens!

Sign up for the Future Vision Community:

How to tip with Lumens: https://keybase.io/blog/keybase-stellar-launch

Sending Lumens tips through Keybase

To get started just follow the directions below:

  1. Download Keybase and create an account
  2. In Keybase, go to teams -> join a team -> and enter: futurevision.community

3) *Very Important* The last step is to post in the community channel a quick introduction and an interesting fact about yourself.

Once these steps are complete FV team will send you your Stellar Lumens (XLM)!

Keep an eye out in the channels as we’ll be sending out more ways that you can earn cryptocurrency. And remember, if you like something that someone posts, show your appreciation with a tip in Lumens!


/FV team

