Introducing Logobly, the delightful new logo maker for startups coming soon.

Craig Barber
Future Vision
4 min readApr 23, 2019


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I’m working on something new. It’s big. A proper startup. It’s called Logobly. Logobly will be a delightful new logo maker made just for startups. A logo maker you say? Yes a logo maker. For startups. But you’re a designer, why would you make a logo maker? That’s exactly why I should make a logo maker. Because I am a designer. And I love startups. It’s the perfect fit.

Every day, more and more people are launching wonderful new startups. Part of building a new startup is creating a logo. Normally, founders get their logo designed by an agency or outsource it to a designer online.

Both can yield results. Both can be costly and time-consuming. As a busy founder, you can’t afford to waste precious time or money on bad logo design. This is where Logobly comes into play. Logobly will help you make a quality logo design for your startup, saving you both time and money.

With Logobly, founders will be able to create high-quality logos in minutes. Logos that can be instantly downloaded and work beautifully on websites, apps and social media.

I’ll be launching Logobly soon, click here to join my launch list.

I love this logo : )

Why am I doing this?

They say the key to success is to pick something that you’re good at and have an interest in, that also has a market demand. I’m great at logo design. I also have a keen interest in startups. I love making stuff. Equally as important it’s something people want. The market is demanding this product. I’m doing something I enjoy, that helps people. Simple.

Is this a new idea?

No, it’s not a new idea. Plenty of people have made logo makers. The majority of successful startups aren’t new ideas. They are simply a new take on an existing product or service. Google famously launched into a market with a dozen other search engines. We all know how that worked out. It’s not about creating something completely new or original, it’s about market demand. There is a huge market demand for logo design. There always has been, there always will be.

How will you stand out in a crowded market?

A lot of the current logo makers out there are one size fits all. None of them are aiming solely at the startup and founder audience. I’m making a logo maker that will create awesome logos for internet based startups. Logobly will create logos that are made for specially for websites and apps. Logos that work at small sizes. By niching down I’m creating a category within a category. This is the key to success, at least when you’re starting out. Carve out a market within a market. I did it with LandingStock which was hugely successful. Instead of creating another stock photo site. I created a stock photo made just for landing pages. Logobly is defined by its target audience, startup founders and the product it will produce, logos for internet based startups. This is what will make it stand out in a crowded marketplace. It will also be a great product with beautiful branding. I’m a branding expert after all.

Why I’m a good fit for this startup

I’m a designer by trade. I’ve been designing for the last 18 years. I’ve done my 10,000 hours of logo design. I also love startups and building things people use. Logobly is a wonderful combination of my skills as a designer paired with creating something people want and will use to achieve their goals.

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Who is Logobly for?

Broadly speaking, my target audience for Logobly is startup founders. Also within this category is the maker community. People who are making side projects and need a logo. My target audience is not designers. It’s for founders and makers who need a great logo that they can use straight on their website with very little fuss and not burn a hole in their pocket.

How will Logobly make money?

Logobly will be a software as a service startup, it will make money by charging customers a one off fee for a logo design and logo files. I’m still deciding on a price point, it will be less than or around $99 for a logo design. I may also offer a low resolution logo design as a free tier, but this is still under consideration.

How are you building it?

Given I’m a professional product designer, I’ll be doing all of the user experience, design and conducting user research myself. If you’re within 5 metres of me, watch out as I’ll mug you for an impromptu user testing session with an iPad. As far as the build goes, I’m going to have to hire someone to code it. It’s not ideal having to outsource it. But I’m not a coder. I am good at project management and have been responsible for the delivery of many digital products on time and on budget. If you’re an awesome coder, please get in touch.

How can I get involved?

You can join my launch list here, I’m also conducting market research via a survey here.

