Loving for self or Loving for ❤

A note on what to expect from Love

Aditya Jagadeesan
Future Vision
3 min readApr 18, 2019


Words which either keep you together or scare you away | Photo by Suresh Kumar on Unsplash

*sigh* True love

Such a mysterious thing True Love is... Sometimes it makes so much sense you can’t even define it. I’ve been looking for this true love thing for quite a long time now. From Bollywood movies, where the hero is so normal like me yet still gets a girl somehow. I don’t understand that, by the way. But nevertheless, let’s try to look into what this love is with something I call…

“The fanatical-practical theory” (not real)

The Fanatical form

I’m looking for that prince/princess to take me away. Now we seem to have a lot of experience with this one, especially with the help of Disney and the romance industry. Movies, for generations, have shaped how we think about love.

Fall in love and get married, thank you for playing. Now in the movie theater, this happens in about 2 hours tops. If you know someone who has done that and succeeded. Hopefully, they live happily ever after. Should we expect someone to pick us up while we just sitting back not doing anything about it? No… At least not for most of us.

Never have I ever… encountered someone I fell in love with instantly. Now I’ve seen many friends fall to this particular issue. Can’t say I haven’t been a victim of bustling pheromones and intense curiosity. It happens to everyone, nothing wrong with it. It’s just you know, temporary.

Wait for those hormones to chill out | Photo by Ewan Robertson on Unsplash

Wait for the fantasy, movie-like world to wear off for a bit and think things through.

The Practical form

Once we’re back to our senses. It’s really time to look at this person and what we want from them. Now, now I know you want to ask them out. But how long have you known this person?

A few minutes ago you were taking shots together from the countertop. Now you’re sitting and planning dates, long vacations, how many kids, marriage locations. Any takers?

Love isn’t about just these things. It’s about understanding, being friends with your significant other. Practical love is about finding out what works for you. If you can live with this person for long hours, can you take being beaten by them in Mario Kart or Monopoly? The practicality of your relationship matters.

Every little thing you need to figure out over time by forming a friendship. There’s nothing wrong with dating to figure things out but always be clear when you make such a decision.

It’s about both people, not just one.

What should you be doing right now?

Since you’ve read this far, it means you have a vested interest in Love. You want to have a loving, long-term relationship so start putting yourself first. You can only go up as you learn more about your significant other.

Form a deeper bond. It’s going to take time and patience but that’s the foundation of a strong relationship. The only reason family is such a strong word is because of the years you’ve spent with them.

You will truly understand the worth of your partner over time. Love them to the fullest and don’t be afraid to receive love in turn. Come up with ways to talk about the tough topics (fears, life goals), secrets and even intimacy. You really want to explore one another.

Photo by Wyron A on Unsplash

So What is Love?

It’s practical with a little sprinkle of fantasy.

It seems like this is the definition I have come to by writing this article. There is so much more to explore on Love. Love yourself first and foremost, then you’ll find those that love that about you.

Hope you find someone and thank you for reading my first article! I also have an Instagram for poetry, if you are more interested in poetry.

