Future Vision
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2019


Samsung Galaxy S10 5G Flames Out and the blame game begins👉 👈

More bad news brought to you courteously by Samsung. The newly released Samsung Galaxy S10 5G has already had a situation where a new customer who purchased one had their phone heat up and start smoking. The customer returned the phone to Samsung and the official word from Samsung is, “the damage was caused by external impact.” This would generally be enough from a company to make me believe that the problem was resolved. But Samsung does have a history…

The Note 7 faced similar issues as this phone and in those situations Samsung didn’t give customers full disclosure. Below is a link of the Samsung Note 7 history:

But I am speaking from the perspective of a Note 7 customer and Samsung promised all of us that this issue was under control and that it only affected a small amount of users. Only in time did we learn the truth. The truth was that the issue was much more widespread than any of us imagined. So much so that they did a recall and offered new phones. This is where I quit and switched phones.

Their is no evidence that this isn’t a one time thing. But it’s very important that we watch this situation closely and carefully. Even in very recent history the Samsung Fold was found to have serious issues even to the point it was delayed.

Until further notice Samsung deserves the benefit of the doubt. But make sure to have patience so that you too don’t get burned.

Link to cnet article:

