Future Vision
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2019


Star Wars 9 — The FALL of Skywalker — A Disney Star Wars story.

Calling the new Star Wars trilogy a dumpster fire is a compliment at this point. After seeing the new one I can safely say this is a toxic wasteland. Kathleen Kennedy the “leader” of Lucasfilm has completely lied about and betrayed the vision of George Lucas and true fans. She is awful and JJ Abrams is a Bad Reboot director who really did okay with the Force Awakens but butchered this movie.

The Last Jedi is the biggest joke still of all Star Wars movies and ruined Luke Skywalker…the greatest character in Star Wars history. If you say Darth Vader is the greatest I’m good with that too. Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy are truly to blame but J.J. Is too because the Force Awakens was a Bad reboot of a new Hope.

Let’s talk about a another character that was ruined… “Rey.” Rey had potential after episode 7. But she is a Mary Sue now and is perfect at everything and hardly struggles. This is not how you write the Hero’s journey. This character is up there with Jar Jar Binks now. A useless character. I liked her after 7 and even in the Last Jedi horror show but seeing her kill everybody and save Kylo Ren (who should be the hero in this story because he actually fails multiple times) she is unfortunately sacrificed at the alter of bad storytelling.

Palpatine is just used to sell this movie and this is not the Skywalker saga it’s the Palpatine saga. Spoiler Alert:

Rey is his granddaughter of Palpatine which is stupid since her parents aren’t mentioned ever until this movie to sell the idea. She should have been a Skywalker and not because she calls herself one which is the dumbest idea in cinema history since the movie Gigli.

For all you wonderful storytellers out there here is some advice. Never sell your work to a major corporation no matter what they say. They will prostitute your work for money. We all believed Disney was perfect at this and felt good even after Rouge One which was amazing. But the Last Jedi showed us that this isn’t about the Skywalkers or Star Wars but using a movie to push an agenda of Sith Lord Kathleen Kennedy who will always be remembered as a failure for her awful mismanagement of the Star Wars franchise.

I’m gonna pretend like 7, 8,and 9 never happened the same way I do with the Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions. I will continue to enjoy the Mandalorian and hope for new leadership and better Star Wars. I hope they scrub 7, 8, and 9 from canon and thank you to the Fandom Menace who I now will be supporting and joining to help save what’s left of Star Wars. In the words of the true Emperor…Disney..your failure is complete.

Now with a New Hope from Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau we still can hope for a better tomorrow.

