Their is no longer any reason to pay $ for a smartphone

Future Vision
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2020

I love new smartphones..I was one of those guys who would buy a new smart phone every year and feel pretty good about it. But things have changed…

Smartphone manufactures including Apple, Samsung, Google, and the rest are charging a ridiculous amount of money for their smartphones. We all thought $1000 was insane to pay for a smartphone and it is. But kooky Samsung wants $1400 for a phone they threw some specs in and called it ultra or as I call it ultra-lite (look at the resolution when you turn your display to 120HZ) and expect people to shell out the cash. Before you try to justify it show me the manufacturing cost. Samsung is making a ton off a reused design . (See the S20, S20+)

Apple are actually the ones who created this problem because they are the ones who broke out the $1000 price tag. Companies have been doing this same strategy for years. Creating reasonable financing plans to make the overall cost seem much lower than what it actually is. Instead of $1000 you trade in your $400 smartphone and it’s $47 a month for 2 years. The smartphone industry is so blind by their financial ambitions(GREED)that the world of technology around them is evolving without them. Several new companies including Oneplus, Oppo, and others have broken through by actually making significant changes to the technology in their phones and not killing us with obscene prices.


Think about everything that you need to do on your smartphone. Use your apps, use the internet, store some digital files, take pictures, use your flashlight, & communicate. Every single celluar company will give you a free smartphone if you start a new plan. It won’t be the most current but it may be the best of the year before whether it’s the Samsung S10 or the iPhone XS Max or iPhone XR. Don’t let these companies fool you anymore. You don’t need what they are offering. I have switched every year and I realize now that I can accomplish everything that I do on my iPhone 11 Pro Max on almost any iPhone that still receives software updates and I am a iOS Mobile App Developer.

All of this tech promotion is really just a way to motivate consumers to overspend on technollogy they don’t even need. But even brillant tech companies can get greedy and Apple and Samsung have. They have out priced even the loyalist like myself to the point of introspection. After some serious soul searching I realize that I was caught in an abyss of consumerism that was masked by a need to explore new technology.

I’m not saying that having a new smart phone is bad. I’m not saying that I don’t enjoy hearing about new smartphone technollogy. But what I am saying is that in 2020…THEIR IS NO LONGER ANY REASON TO PAY $ FOR A SMARTPHONE!!!

