What is Cloud Computing?

Bibhash Biswas
Future Vision
10 min readOct 29, 2019


Cloud will be synonymous with the word Web. Can you think of a business today that’s not on the internet? If you don’t get on the cloud your company could be falling behind quickly.

This article will help you to get what the cloud is even if you don’t know much about technology.

What is the Cloud?

To understand the cloud, let’s talk about the computer in your home. It is primarily composed of 3 things. A storage system for storing data. Some chips on the motherboards to perform tasks (tasks like moving data around or running some algorithms), and a user interface device to show the data to the user (computer monitor) through which the user can interact with the system (keyboard and mouse)

The first thing that people started needing more is storage capacity. Back then, like 7 years back, you probably had more external hard drives than you had computers in your home. Cameras started to increase in megapixel count, and all those home videos of birthdays and family trips on digital video cameras needed a lot of space to store.

Managing hard drives and worrying about backups in case they failed were a constant headache. If you ever bought Seagate hard drives, you already know.

Then Dropbox came along where you could buy some storage space online and upload your files…



Bibhash Biswas
Future Vision

Director of Engineering @ Zoic. Former Computer Scientist and Engineering Fellow for Defense Projects.