Personal Reflection on Food Security and Integral Ecological Regeneration

sara roversi
Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2024


From the #BeHuman initiative to #RegenerAction.

In the past two weeks, I have had the immense honor of participating in several incredible encounters and powerful experiences. I met with the pope. Subsequently, I have followed activists, scholars, educators, theologians, economists, entrepreneurs, business people, diplomats, philosophers, farmers, young people, innovators, and scientists who emphasize the urgency of rethinking and rebuilding a new model of production, consumption, and development, starting from the bottom, from the essential values of humanity. Now, I digest and process the endless stimuli, provocations, inspirations, and shared ambitions.

Transformative experiences have profoundly impacted my perspective on food security and ecological regeneration. Among these, an encounter with Pope Francis at the World Meeting on Human Fraternity stands out. Being invited to contribute to the discussions on our food systems’ future was humbling and enlightening. The urgency of addressing the poly-crisis we face today became starkly apparent, leading to three critical reflections:

Food Security and Climate Crisis

Our discussions reinforced the understanding that food security can only be tackled together with the climate crisis. Pope Francis’s encyclical “Laudato Si” was a cornerstone of our dialogue, emphasizing the necessity for an integral ecological development model. This approach requires a unified political strategy that includes environmental regeneration, human Health, social dimensions, cultural heritage preservation, and inclusive economic development. The interconnectedness of these elements is vital for creating resilient and sustainable food systems.

Regeneration from the Roots

Real regeneration must start from the roots — literally and figuratively. We must prioritize soil health and cultural education. By instilling a deep respect for our natural environment and cultural traditions, we can address global challenges at their core rather than merely treating the symptoms. This approach calls for educational innovations that foster environmental stewardship and culture, ensuring that future generations understand the intrinsic value of their heritage and natural resources.

Awareness and Technology for Change

Our final discussions highlighted the role of awareness and consciousness in driving change. Technological advancements, including artificial intelligence, must be harnessed to enhance our ability to measure and understand the impacts of our actions. This knowledge empowers us to make informed decisions and take positive steps towards sustainability. Awareness campaigns and educational programs are essential for fostering a culture of responsibility and proactive engagement with our environment.

RegenerAction: Imagining, Believing, and Acting

Following the World Meeting, I participated in RegenerAtction, a retreat guided by the mantra: IMAGINE, BELIEVE, ACT. This experience was transformative, allowing us to envision a world where the soil thrives, marginal areas flourish, and traditional wisdom is cherished.


We imagined a world where integral ecological regeneration starts from the ground up, ensuring healthy soil capable of sustaining life. Marginal areas, often overlooked, hold immense potential as custodians of vital resources. By promoting policies that support their development, we can preserve and revitalize living heritages and ancient practices, merging them with modern sustainability efforts.


We believe in the power of the integral ecological approach, which links human Health with the Health of animals, plants, and our shared environment — a concept known as One Health. This holistic approach enhances our well-being and promotes a sustainable future for all. By fostering a deep connection with the natural world, we can achieve an algorithm of longevity that benefits every aspect of life on Earth.


Driven by the Golden Rule — consciousness, empathy, gratitude, purpose, and leadership — we are committed to embracing Paideia, the holistic development of virtuous citizens. Our team leaders embody the spirit of RegenerAtction, guiding us with passion and commitment. Together, we are not just imagining a better world but actively working to make it a reality.

Reflecting and Moving Forward

Reflecting on these experiences, I am grateful for the incredible people, friends, and teammates who have been the driving force behind RegenerAction. Our collective effort has reaffirmed our commitment to integral ecological regeneration. We will continue to imagine a world where biodiversity thrives, believe in the interconnectedness of all life, and act to make this vision a reality.

A Path to a New Economy

Revisiting the manifesto of, co-created with Carlo Giardinetti and our friends of Reboot The Future (Kim Polman and Anthony Bennet), I am reminded of our incredible path of listening and studying. This journey involves activists, scholars, educators, theologians, economists, diplomats, philosophers, farmers, entrepreneurs, young people, innovators, and scientists, emphasizing the urgent need to rethink and rebuild our production, consumption, and development models.

The post-Covid-19 world calls for listening, compassion, reciprocity, and collaboration. We must transcend selfish interests and foster a new economy based on giving, not hoarding. This new collaborative leadership weaves together science and spirituality, ensuring that every individual is valued, protected, and respected within a holistic and inclusive vision where everything is interconnected.

It all continues to be extremely consistent.

The direction is the right one!

Embracing Essential Values

Today, more than ever, I feel the need to reintroduce spirituality into our daily lives, embracing essential values. For those interested in delving deeper, I recommend reading “Values for a Life Economy” by Kim Polman and Anthony Bennet. As I move forward, the Golden Rule and these Values must guide me, inspiring me to continue our journey toward a more sustainable, just, and harmonious world.

The Future Food Institute is an international social enterprise and the cornerstone of the Future Food Ecosystem, a collection of research labs, partnerships, initiatives, platforms, networks, entrepreneurial projects, and academic programs that aim to build a more equitable world through enlightening a world-class breed of innovators, boosting entrepreneurial potential, and improving agri-food expertise and tradition.

Future food advocates for positive change through initiatives in Waste & Circular Systems, Water Safety & Security, Climate, Earth Regeneration, Mediterranean Foodscape, Nutrition for All, Humana Communitas, and Cities of the Future as we catalyze progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Learn more at, and join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube. Or attend a program through the FutureFood.Academy!



sara roversi

Don’t care to market-care to matter! With @ffoodinstitute from @paideiacampus towards #Pollica2050 through #IntegralEcology #ProsperityThinking #SystemicDesign