Future Otaku AMA 24/01/2020

Future Funk
Published in
5 min readMar 9, 2020


Hello, I am Future Otaku, I am originally from Mexico City, I am 22 years old, I started my musical career at an age of 15 years, going through many genres and aliases to this point of my most mature and important project, where I am looking for growth of the scene of the Future Funk in Mexico and we can all grow as producers in this country having influences from Saint Pepsi and MACROSS 82–99 Which were my inspiration to take this path of producer.

LINKS: Soundcloud Bandcamp Spotify Instagram Facebook


Q: What is your mood?

I am in a learning mood since I want to experience new sounds in addition to personal experiences that are currently very emotional for me and I want to express In my music.

Q: What was greatest moment of your musical career?

The best moment of my career was recognized in my country as a strong exponent of the FF scene and especially meet many incredible people through music such as Macross.

Q: What are your favorites music genres other than Future Funk?

I like all the music friend, I think the music is beautiful from the perspective that we see it, in general I listen to a lot of hip hop, synthwave, indie rock and a lot of regional music of my country.

Q: Where and how did you learn about Future Funk?

I discovered it one day surfing on Soundcloud and Tumblr when listening to noises at that time, weird-loved it since at that time I had another music project based on the tech house genre and I wanted to experience this new sound that returned me to my childhood since I was listening samples of anime and pufff intros for me that was wonderful, and I thank Kazzette because he was a bit the one who explained to me how much he knew what was behind the Future Funk.

Q: Favorite album you’ve written?

Future Idols without a doubt since it was my first album with my project and which I think gave me a lot of recognition in my country and why not say it internationally.

Q: What’s your favorite anime this season and what are your thoughts on it?

I have not seen much anime in college but I liked Kimetsu no Yaiba because of the plot of his designs and because he leaves a teaching that leaves me although things do not go as you want you always have to go ahead and try to make your fulfill objective.

Q: I’m getting into making FF, I’m going to buy me a decent PC and FL studio. Any recommendations on the way to start?

See many tutorials, meet people who do the same as you and especially try everything, the effort always has its reward and in what can help you friend with confidence, I like to help people with how much or little that is production because I still started without knowing anything and I think that is fine because we always have to leave our mark on what we do have confidence in you above all and you will see that everything will work out well.

Q: Ever consider composing music for a movie, video game, animation or a series?

I would love it very much, if I have in fact thought this is like something secret but I want to do something like Kanye West did in Runaway and someday they will know more about that plan soon haha.

Q: If you could have one piece of musical equipment what would it be?

A piano without a doubt.

Q: How did you first start learning music? Any tips for beginners?

A tip to see many tutorials know the Daw that you are using, always and every day if you can try to create a rhythm, listen muuuchaa music that helps you generate a lot of creativity and expresses a feeling in each song, that I think the most important thing to convey a feeling for people who listen to you.

Q: I am a failed wannabe producer how to change that?

Have confidence in you friend, I know you can do it all we go through that but you will always find people who like your essence do not give up and keep working I believe in you.

Q: Which song from the Future Funk community can you most jam to?

For me, the song that I play the most is Future Love from my Future Idols album because it helped me a lot to grow as a producer and see that if you believe in yourself you can achieve many things.

Q: Do you play video games?

I like to play a lot of Cod and sports games and especially online games.

Q: Favourite Vaporwave album?

Macintosh Plus-Floral Shoppe.

Q: Top 5 albums of all time?

  1. Mac miller — Circles 2. Traviss Scott JackBoys 3.pikette 23 — De Corazón 4.Kanye West — Jesus is King 5. Tyler the creator-Igor.

Q: Top 5 FF albums of all time?

  1. A Million Miles Away by マクロスMACROSS 82–99 2. HIT VIBES by Saint Pepsi 3. Bae by Yung Bae 4. Aloha Ishland by Vantage 5. Future Idols by Future Otaku.

Q: What’s your favorite food?

My favorite food is the Enchiladas hahaha.

Q: Where do you see FF going in the future?

I think it will be a genre that will rise and achieve important things for the community since artists are looking at this genre and are taking it to unimaginable places I have a lot of faith to the FF that this will be their year.

Where would you like to see FF go in the future? In large world class labels.

Q: Are you gonna be involved with the Flauradisk show in Mexico City next week, and if so what are your thoughts on it?

That we are going to teach that in Mexico there are great exponents of FF and we are going to have fun.

Q: If you never started making music, what do you think you’d be doing now?

I would be that I think focused on my university and I would have a job lol, I can’t imagine being without the music.

Q: Any last words?

yes, Simply thank you all for your questions, I had an incredible time and above all tell you that I admire each of the producers that are in this genre, I like to see new projects grow either in my country or in other parts of the world a tip What I give you is never stop trying and always follow your dreams even if people do not believe in you I know that they are going to get you and especially have fun when doing the things they like xoxo.

This AMA was held in the Future Funk Subreddit Discord. Join it here: https://discord.gg/guF4qvU

