People at Siemens
People at Siemens
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2018


Since 2013, Zvi Feuer has been the Senior Vice President of Siemens Industry Software in Israel. Responsible for leading global teams and developing their initiatives, it’s Zvi’s job to keep his finger on the manufacturing pulse.

Whether it’s a nuclear submarine for the US navy, or a car — software is now a critical part of how we make things. “You might not think about it,” explains Zvi. “But there are more lines of code in a car than a cell phone.” Digitalization is bringing together all aspects of engineering .” Right now, software, hardware mechanics and electronics all have to work together.”
he says.

If there’s one thing Zvi wants us to all to know about the 3D print revolution, it’s that no one can afford to ignore the impact of additive: “If you’re an intern, try and get experience with a company that’s embracing 3D printing or take classes in it,” he says. “Just make sure you’re ready for it. There’s an endless amount of information out there on the internet, with almost no cost.” After all, if you join now and become part of the revolution, the payoff for being ahead of the curve is priceless.

Zvi shares six ways that the 3D revolution is already underway:

1: It’s helping smaller businesses connect with each other

In the future, regardless of where you are in the world, you’ll be able to
get online and plug into production lines previously off limits. “As more and
more people connect to the internet, individual people and smaller companies will start to feed into the global chain,” explains Zvi. “New economies and opportunities are emerging as 3D printers become cheaper and easier to
work with.”

2: It’s speeding up production beyond expectation

With additive manufacturing, new designs, techniques and processes can be implemented at the press of a button, giving engineers more time to be creative. “Hundreds of years back we used to wash our clothes in rivers,” explains Zvi. “Now we have washing machines and we’ve drastically reduced the amount of time spent on menial tasks. We’re doing a similar thing with manufacturing.”

3: It’s freeing engineers from outdated tool and techniques

“With additive you can do the unimaginable — like printing circuits within plastic,” says Zvi. “Engineers still design things thinking they’re going to be manufactured using the same tools, like water-jetting, molds and dyes, but that’s not the case anymore.”. Being able to print what we want, when we want it, engineers can customize their ideas right down to a granular level.

4: It’s fixing problems wherever we are; from the factory to the field

Manufacturing has always been dependant on location; production plants stand on the same spot for hundreds of years. But not anymore. “Soon a navy ship in the middle of the ocean will have a 3D printer rather than a replacement inventory,” Zvi says. “Instead of having to take parts with them, the ships’ engineers will just print them.”

5: It’s helping engineers reimagine their work

New materials and agile processes are making things infinitely better. “With additive we’re doing things we could never do before. We’re creating parts where the form was totally unimaginable.” says Zvi. This doesn’t just give the engineers more power and control: It breaks down barriers like never before.

6: It’s forcing big companies to embrace change

With an ever-fast pace of innovation, even a big company like Siemens are learning to embrace everything.“Believe it or not, I’m a great believer that there are smart people who don’t work for Siemens.” Zvi explains. He thinks the disruption caused by 3D printing is influencing a more flexible behaviour, and helping teams to embracing new ideas. “It’s better to be disrupting ourselves then to be disrupted,” he explains.

Zvi describes Siemens as a big startup. “As any young person who comes and works for us will find out,” he says, “we’re a stable company but with all the innovation of a smaller one. In 2017 alone we delivered 3,600 patents.” As an international company, operating in 199 countries with 292 production sites, the opportunities are endless. But Zvi thinks the secret to success for anyone starting out in the industry is attitude. “It’s 75% emotional intelligence, and 25% EQ,” he says. “That’s something I really believe in.”

Zvi Feuer is Senior Vice President, Siemens Industry Software, Israel. He lives in Tel Aviv with his family. Find out more about working at Siemens.

Words: Caroline Christie
Illustration: Isha Suhag
Animation: Ross Turner
Photography: iStock

