7 Interesting Facts You Need To Know About Futurepia Coin — PIA

Majid Mushtaq
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2018

Futurepia’s Private T.G.E is ongoing and will be live until 31st of December. The best thing about the Private T.G.E is that it offers 42% bonus to all the investors buying any amount of Futurepia coins. Now in order to better understand what does this mean, we thought to bring you up a list of 7 interesting facts about Futurepia coins that you need to know.

7 Interesting Facts About Futurepia Coins — FPC

Here is a list of those 7 points:

1.Name of the Coin: PIA is the official name of Futurepia coin that will be used on the Futurepia mainnet and will be listed on exchanges under the same name. PIA is just taken from the company’s name — Futurepia :) Easy to remember, right?

2. Coin Value: 1 ETH = 14,000 PIA ( So these days since ETH value has dropped, from users point of view, this is the best time to buy Ethereum and later on convert to PIA). Think smart and act fast! ;)

3. How To Buy: You can buy PIA using both Bitcoin and Ethereum :)
In order to buy PIA, simply visit our website or click the link below.
Buy FPC — Futurepia Coin

4. Is 42% Bonus Real Thing: During the Private T.G.E period (2nd Nov — 31st Dec), everyone buying Futurepia coins, will get 42% additional coins as bonus. Waoo! Ain’t that amazing.
So usually
1 ETH = 14,000 PIA
but during T.G.E
1 ETH = 14000 PIA + 42% Bonus coins = 20,000 PIA

5. Listing On Exchanges: PIA will be listed on major crypto exchanges by next year. Futurepia has already signed MoU agreement with some exchanges.

6. Benefit to DApp Users: DApp Users of DApps that will be using Futurepia mainnet, will have the benefit of exchanging coins with each other through Futurepia wallet and without having to go to Exchange Market, which is a win-win situation for everyone.

7. Token Economy: The coin distribution is given below in the form of Coin Economy.

✨Futurepia’s Token Economy✨

🏅Total(100%): 22.2 billion PIA
🏅 Futurepia Fund(30%): 6.66 billion PIA
🏅 Team (15%): 3.33 billion PIA
🏅 Community Development(10%) : 2.22 billion PIA
🏅 Partners & Advisors(10%): 2.22 billion PIA
🏅T.G.E(30%): 6.66 billion PIA
🏅 Reserve(5%): 1.11 billion PIA

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Majid Mushtaq

Blogger, Traveler, Social Entrepreneur and Selfie Fanatic