Next Generation Social Media — Rewards For Quality Content And That Too For Every One

Majid Mushtaq
Published in
5 min readMar 6, 2019
Blockchain Based Social Media

Do you know that the average person spends 140 mins on social media every day? But…..

Ask Yourself: Have you ever got any compensation from these companies for your time given?

Maybe not! Unless you have got millions of views for your videos on Facebook or have thousands of subscribers on Youtube.

But the fact is, we all use social media every day. According to a report, Social networks earned an estimated $8.3 billion from advertising in 2015 And as an outcome of our time spent on social media and advertising revenue, #MarkZuckerberg has become one of the richest men in the world while we are stuck on watching Ads and giving our data for FREE.

Problems with traditional social media

There is a famous saying that, “If the product is free then chances are high that YOU are the product.” Ofcourse you are using Facebook/Instagram without paying a monthly fee, but you are paying far more than a few bucks.

i) Data being exploited

You are putting your privacy at risk and these SNS giants keep track of users’ behaviors, preferences, habits, connections, location, and content and exploit this data by selling to advertisers. As a result, if you Google ‘cheap flights’ today, for the next few days, you will keep on receiving ads related to airlines, hotel bookings and car rentals not only on Google, but also in your emails and cell phones.

ii) Fake News with clickbait Titles

You might have seen articles with clickbait titles like “Man tries to hug a wild lion — You won’t believe what happened next” or something like “A school girl gave her lunch to a homeless man. What he did next will leave you in tears!” It is very rare to find trustworthy news these days on social media as the content creators want to make money, and the only way for them to make money is by showing more ads on the blogs to the visitors, and the only way for them to keep bringing people to their blog is by using ‘ClickBait Titles’. Hence the quality of content is going down day by day!

iii) You don’t get rewarded for the time spent on Facebook

According to a research, if you start doing a part-time job that pays you $8 per hour, within one month you will make at least 1,000$ (remember, this is only for the time you spent on social media). Now think about it, how much have you actually got from Facebook for uploading quality content, for writing a beautiful piece of story or for uploading HD pictures on Instagram (that someone probably has stolen for free and using it in their portfolio? NONE!

Image result for problems with social media
Existing Social Media Problems

How Blockchain Based Social Media is different

Blockchain-based social media platforms are changing the way content creators and users are making money online. Blockchain-based social media reward content creators, content curators, and general users for actively using the platform and for uploading the quality content. The main focus is not on Ads, rather, it's on the ‘users’ as without them companies can’t even make a penny, yet the dividend hardly goes to them. Here comes, block-chain based social media for the rescue!

Blockchain-based social media offer more than just privacy and security: a cryptocurrency you can use to buy content and pay for other services.

These platforms are reward-based, meaning that people get rewarded for posting their own content, watching, engaging with, and liking the content of other people too. The idea is simple, “The more upvotes/likes (like Reddit) you get, there are more chances for you to make money”. This way, content creators would not use clickbait or fake titles as people could downvote them.

Great Quality (directly proportional to) More Money

On the other hand, the more a user actively participates by commenting, liking or sharing others’ content, he will get compensated based on his activity and time spent.

Rewards System in Blockchain Based Social Media Platforms

In case of such platforms, the rewards are given in cryptocurrencies which can later on be traded with fiat currencies. It might look strange for newbies but these kind of platforms already exist and a lot more are coming.

Steemit was the first one to come up with this idea of rewarding users based on the quality of content. But since the UI of Steemit is very boring and most of the topics are only related to Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies, it found it really hard to get mass-adopted. That’s why there have been many other Steemit Alternatives rolled out by many startups, yet none of them was able to get as famous as Steemit.

But in a few weeks later, Futurepia is going to roll out their first ever messenger app, that is expected to revolutionize the way content creators make money online. With a beautiful design, catchy UI, bundles of features and mobile-based platform, it definitely will be the best Alternative to Steemit.

Futurepia Messenger

If you want to become a contributor towards beta-app testing, please drop us an email at:

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Majid Mushtaq

Blogger, Traveler, Social Entrepreneur and Selfie Fanatic