The Wait Is Over — Cafe de SNAC To Be Open to Public From 21st Oct

Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2019

Dear Futurepia and SNAC Community 🎊🤩

Thank you so much for using SNAC and for creating & sharing quality content. The team has been working hard for days and nights to provide you with fast and stable service so that you can earn more and more SNAC Tokens.

But eventually, you’d want to use those earned SNAC Tokens somewhere. Right? Hence, to show our appreciation for our SNAC users, the team has been preparing to open a café located in the heart of Gangnam — the modern center, and home to gleaming skyscrapers. Just like the fancy decor, the cafe has got a fancy name i.e “Cafe de SNAC

What is Cafe de SNAC?

Imagine what you could do with the right people by your side? Won’t you feel great to enjoy FREE coffee with your loved ones or take your date to a place to a cafe that has a romantic ambiance? Well that’s what the Cafe de SNAC is all about!

This cafe is a space for SNAC enthusiasts to meet, share their latest feeds, and enjoy FREE coffee. Thanks to Cafe de SNAC, customers now can pay for their iced americanos using SNAC.

Cafe de SNAC will also be used as a place for various blockchain meetups. Since the main hall is quite big, it is a perfect site to arrange such events.

Not only that, there is a separate room for the video team and a few rooms for the official indoor meetings.

Grand Opening Date:

The cafe has finished construction is will have a grand opening on 21st October, 2019. From that day and onwards, the cafe will also be open to the public and SNAC users.

Opening Hours: 11am — 8pm (Mon-Sun)

How to go:

Address: 서울 강남구 논현로 98

You can also access the location using the Naver Map:

Cafe de SNAC is located on the second floor and the beautiful eye-catchy logo can be seen from a far-away distance too.

The level of excitement is palpable! The team is happy to announce this great news and we can’t wait to welcome and serve the coffee to the SNAC users.

In case you don’t know about the SNAC app, you can find the details in this article.

TLDR: SNAC is a social media built on blockchain that rewards both the content creators and content consumers. You can crypto-tokens for creating posts, liking other contents, voting for favorite post etc.

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A distributed social media Mainnet based on blockchain technology.