“Cafe de SNAC” — Where You Pay Coffee Using SNAC

Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2019

Do you love the smell of coffee in the morning?

If you are a SNAC user and fond of coffee, this might be the greatest news you’ve heard in a long while.

First of all, if you haven’t heard about SNAC, check out this article.

TLDR; SNAC is a social media built on blockchain that rewards both the content creators and content consumers. You can crypto-tokens for creating posts, liking other contents, voting for favorite post etc.

Download SNAC on iOS: https://apple.co/2HoJ6rW

Download SNAC on Google Play: http://bit.ly/30BwvsN

To show our appreciation for our SNAC users, the team has been preparing to open a café located in the heart of Gangnam,

A space for SNAC enthusiasts to meet, share their latest feeds and news.

Thanks to Cafe de SNAC, customers now can pay for their iced americanos using SNAC.

If you wonder if SNAC can be used in reality, make sure to visit the place and make the best use of the token.

Now where is Cafe de SNAC? you may ask,

Currently, the cafe is still under construction. And it will be completed soon and have a grand opening sometime next week.

The level of excitement is palpable! The team is happy to announce this great news and promise to keep users updated with the store’s exact location and upcoming news about the grand opening.

Enjoy the rest of the day!





A distributed social media Mainnet based on blockchain technology.