How To Earn Around $14,000 with SNAC? Reward System Explained

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3 min readApr 2, 2019

Chances are, you have heard of Steemit, tried it and most probably got bored while using it. Reason: It's too complicated, dull interface, web-based, not for the Instagrammers who love sharing photos.

SNAC is the world’s first blockchain based reward sharing application that is bringing back the power of social media to its users.

SNAC believes that the major part of the revenue should go to the users and everyone should be rewarded for their value added to the network. That’s why content creators, content curators, and content consumers, everyone can get the opportunity to earn rewards and even for doing simple tasks.

Note: SNAC is a stable token worth 1SNAC = 1KRW ( ~ $1)

Here we will explain to you, how you can earn a maximum of ~$14,000 through SNAC.

a) Rewards For Simple Tasks

Here is a list of rewards for completing simple tasks e.g liking, referring et

Sign Up Reward: 2000 SNACs (everyone who signs up)

Hashtag Reward: 500 SNACs (selecting 3 hashtags of interest)

Referral Reward: Every user has a unique Referral Code. If a user joins SNAC using that referral code, both the inviter and invitee gets 1000 SNACs.

  • You can invite an unlimited number of friends to SNAC — Cheers

Voting Reward: SNAC even rewards people to participate in voting. Voting process is used to rank top 10 posts of the week. Voting reward is 100 SNAC per round

LIKES Given: The beauty of the SNAC is that it values each and every LIKE given. Unlike Facebook where you can give gazillions of likes (which itself seems weird), with SNAC, you can give 10 Likes/ day and earn 10 SNAC/Like. (for 11th like, SNACs will be deducted)

LIKES Received: Everyday someone likes a post, the original content creator receives 10 SNACs. (No limit of SNACs received because of Likes received)

b) Rewards For Completing Different Challenges

Top 10 Groups: A reward of 5,500,000 SNACs will be shared among the top 10 groups. (event period will be announced later on)

Top 10 Referrals: If you are an influencer, that’s the coolest thing for you. Invite as many people as you can to the SNAC and the top 10 referrals will share 5,500,000 SNACs. (event period will be announced later on)

Feed Master: If a user’s content gets qualifies for the BEST Feed (top 10 contents of the week) for 3 times, that content creator is given the status of Feed Master and gets 100,000 SNAC as a reward.

c) Rewards For Group Owners

One of the coolest features of SNAC is that it lets you create groups and add like-minded people to grow your community. But there is even more than that — reward for growing members in your group.

  • 100 Members: Once a group is reached 100 members, the owner gets 100,000 SNAC as a reward
  • 1000 Members: Upon reaching 1000 members, the group owner is paid 1,000,000 SNAC
  • 5000 Members: Upon reaching 5000 Members, the owner gets 5,000,000 SNAC and
  • 10,000 Members: Upon reaching 10,000 Members, the owner gets 10,000,000 SNAC + an option to do live streaming and be eligible for online market

Want to participate in SNAC Airdrop and earn 4000 SNACs — Enter Here




A distributed social media Mainnet based on blockchain technology.