What is Popular Feed? Some Tips To Make Your Posts Go Viral On SNAC

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4 min readOct 4, 2019

What is Popular Feed / Recommended Feed?

Popular Feed aka Recommended Feed is one of the coolest features within the SNAC Application that can help you make your post go viral and be visible to thousands of people using SNAC. Using the built-in algorithm, this feature lets people see the popular and trending posts on top of their main feed.

A total of ten slots are available on the Popular Feed where the 10 random posts are shown from a pool of top 20 posts. These 10 posts keep on varying and will be displayed on the Popular Feed for 24 hours. Anyone using the SNAC app would be able to see these posts.

Benefits of having your post on the Popular Feed

You know SNAC is a reward sharing social media built on blockchain that compensates its users in crypto-tokens.

1 SNAC Token = 1 KRW and every like that you receive on SNAC gives you 10 SNAC Tokens. Now imagine that you upload a photo of your kitty having fun and that photo receives 100 likes. Hence: 100 x 10 = 1,000 SNAC Tokens = 1,000 KRW (~1$)

Thus you can easily make a buck out of your kitty picture on SNAC.

Now imagine your post is visible to more than a thousand people on SNAC? Chances are most of them would open and like your post. And as a result:

Tips on how to bring your post to the Popular Feed

Here are some of the tips on how you can bring your post to the Popular Feed.

a) Create your content often > As a simple rule of thumb, the more content you create, the greater the chances you have of your post going viral.

b) Create diverse content > Not everyone is interested in the kitty or a puppy’s pictures :D Uploading diverse content also increases the possibility of more people seeing your post. For example, this SNAC user shares about his daily life, SNAC related content and some memes :)

c) Use of Hashtags > SNAC shows posts based on the hashtags selected by the users. So, the more hashtags you use, the more people will end up seeing the post.
Protip: Most popular hashtags are: ICO, Blockchain, Futurepia, SNAC, Sigmachain, Airdrop, Bounty, Bitcoin, Travel, Free

d) Use of multiple pictures > SNAC lets you upload multiple pictures too within a post and it has been seen that a post with multiple pictures does better than a post with just one picture.

e) Quality Post Message > Writing a quality post message is another way to improve the chances of your post getting featured on the Popular feed. You can see the difference between both kinds of posts (Left one: Just hashtags and no post message VS Right one: A good & quality post message along with hashtags). You’d see there is a huge difference between their number of views.

So, keep in mind these 5 tips while posting on SNAC and sooner you’d see your content going viral on SNAC :)

Best of luck, keep posting and we can’t wait to see your content on our Popular Feed.

To know more about SNAC, read this article and if you have any questions, don’t forget to join our Telegram:





A distributed social media Mainnet based on blockchain technology.