SNAC RenewalGuide — What’s New About Main Feed

Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2020

You said and we have heard — A new SNAC has arrived and it is better than ever.

SNAC’s Main Feed has got a new look too and it’s simply fabulous. Before diving deep into the changes that the main feed has gone through, let us show you a sneak peek of how the upgraded Main Feed looks like.

Here are the few changes that you’d see on the MAIN FEED.

1 — Creating a Normal Post

Creating a Normal Post has never been better. Now apart from adding locations to your posts, you can:

a) Set Privacy to PUBLIC, FRIENDS and ONLY ME

b) Select Photos from other Albums too

2 — Wallet Feature Added

FUTUREPIA Wallet has become handy as the transfer of your PIA coins or DApp tokens is just a few click aways. Simply click the wallet icon on the top right corner to make any exchange.

3 — Ads, FORK, Games, Mining Posts etc on the go

Now you don’t have to switch between screens to play the SNAC Park games or answer questions in FORK.

According to the new UI, you can see the Ads, popular fork questions and near-by mining feeds as you scroll down the main feed.

4 — Comment, LIKE and Refeed

Here are the few changes that you’ll see in the new version.

  • You can leave a reply under a comment
  • You can even leave a photo or a video as a reply
  • You can see who LIKED, left a COMMENT, or has REPOSTED a post.

5 — Upper Header Bar

In the upper header bar, you will see various feed categories to help you navigate across the options quite easily.

General = Share your daily moments with others.

Following = Here you can see posts by the people you are following.

Recommended = SNAC AI algorithm would show the posts relevant to your interests

BEST = Shows you the top posts during the past Best Rounds

Popular = Shows you the hot and popular posts (based on #of views, likes)

In the last few months, we have been working tirelessly to improve SNAC and we believe that the improvements will help you enjoy your experience with us even more.

Do let us know if you have any other exciting idea to make SNAC even cooler? Remember you can get rewards for finding a bug too :)

If you have any questions, reach us at our Telegram:

Important Links

🌀 Sigma Chain Website:
🌀 Futurepia Website:
🌀 SNAC Website:
🌀 Google Play:
🌀 iOS App Store:
🌀 Facebook:
🌀 Twitter:
🌀 Instagram:
🌀 Linkedin:
🌀 Telegram:
🌀 SNAC Community:
🌀 Naver Blog:
🌀 Medium Blog:




A distributed social media Mainnet based on blockchain technology.