A Guided Tour in the Future of San Telmo Market

We imaged the future of one of Buenos Aires’ iconic market to speculate on a world we all might experience soon.

Nicolás Bronzina
Futures in Maps
15 min readOct 29, 2023


Welcome to the future! You are in Buenos Aires a few years from now. The city is actively engaged in discussions to host the upcoming Cities and Business Forum. This event aims to foster collaboration between cities and businesses, working together to implement climate action plans that are deeply rooted in local contexts. By bringing together stakeholders from various sectors, the forum will enable the sharing of knowledge, ideas, and best practices to build resilient communities and economies in the face of climate challenges. Buenos Aires sees this opportunity as a platform to showcase its commitment to sustainable development and its ongoing efforts to become year after year a model city in terms of climate action and resilience.

You are in front of San Telmo Market, one of Buenos Aires’s iconic market. María Fernanda Domínguez, the Chief Heat and Drought Officer of San Telmo Neighborhood greats you with a warm “Hello”. She will be your guide to visit the market. She explains that “As temperatures continue to rise in Argentina, we are committed to ensuring the comfort and well-being of our visitors at San Telmo Market”

María Fernanda Domínguez, the Chief Heat and Drought Officer of San Telmo Neighborhood. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

She adds that her whole division recognizes the challenges posed by extreme heat:

“We have implemented measures to mitigate its impact and create a more climate-resilient environment. Our market is part of the ‘Plan Calor Buenos Aires 2030’ a comprehensive initiative aimed at addressing the effects of high temperatures in Buenos Aires City”

As a certified building, San Telmo Market has incorporated innovative water engineering techniques, including the use of artificially created rainwater clouds to regulate temperatures and provide a comfortable atmosphere for our customers. By prioritizing sustainable and adaptive solutions, the building design strives to offer a safe and enjoyable experience even during extreme weather conditions.

A map at the main entrance of San Telmo market in a potential near future of the city of Buenos Aires

Ladies and gentlemen, in this market you’ll find a dazzling array of gastronomic delights that reflect a sustainable and forward-thinking approach to food. As we navigate the challenges of climate change and limited resources, our visionary chefs and food innovators are leading the way in sustainable food production and consumption.

What’s truly remarkable about the food culture here is its commitment to sustainability that goes far beyond taste alone. It encompasses a holistic vision that takes into account the environmental and social impacts of what we eat. We’re talking about sustainable farming practices, a reduced focus on food waste, and a dedication to using local and seasonal ingredients. It’s about creating food that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also nourishes your body and respects the planet’s delicate balance.

At San Telmo Market, we’re all about embracing a conscious way of eating, one that cherishes our world and all its inhabitants. It’s a harmonious dance between gastronomy, sustainability, and making responsible food choices.

So, as you explore the diverse gastronomic offerings here, keep in mind that each dish tells a story of innovation, responsibility, and flavor. We’re here to celebrate and support these culinary styles, proving that delicious and groundbreaking food can coexist with ethical and sustainable practices.

Enjoy your culinary adventure, and remember that the food of the future is not just a feast for your taste buds; it’s a feast for the soul and the planet!

Now, let’s dive into the heart of San Telmo Market — its stalls. Here, you’ll discover an extraordinary range of gastronomic experiences that cater to diverse tastes and values.

First, prepare to satisfy your senses with everything from rich and indulgent cuisine that’s a true sensory delight to fusion creations that beautifully blend culinary traditions. And if you’re an adventurous eater, you’ll love our molecular gastronomy options that push the boundaries of culinary innovation. But that’s not all — we also offer carbon-neutral choices that prioritize environmental stewardship, so you can savor your meal guilt-free.

A glimpse of the type of gastronomy you can find in the San Telmo market. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

However, that’s just the start of our culinary journey. If you’re a fan of specialty coffee and artisanal bread, you’re in for a treat. San Telmo Market takes pride in featuring a curated selection of craft beers and local wines that follow the principles of natural, organic, and low-intervention production. These beverages are not just drinks; they’re a testament to our commitment to sustainable practices and offer unique flavor profiles that showcase the region’s richness.

People enjoying a few craft beers at San Telmo Market. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.
From time to time, the San Telmo Market holds tastings of natural, organic, and low-intervention wines. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

Let’s talk about the vibrant array of seasonal fruits and vegetables that grace our stalls. From crisp greens to juicy berries, from vibrant root vegetables to succulent citrus, our market is a celebration of the beauty and diversity of seasonal produce. We believe in the importance of using seasonal ingredients, not only to provide you with the freshest and most flavorful options but also to support local farmers and reduce the environmental impact of long-distance transportation.

A display of our seasonal fruits and vegetables. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

At San Telmo Market, we’re more than just a market; we’re a platform for showcasing the bounty of our region. We bring you a harmonious blend of specialty beverages, seasonal produce, and an unwavering commitment to sustainability. Our goal is to encourage you to embrace a mindful and responsible approach to food and drink — one that supports local producers nurtures the environment, and lets you savor the authentic flavors of our land.

And for those who choose plant-based diets, San Telmo Market has you covered. We offer a diverse range of plant-based dishes that showcase the creativity and innovation of plant-based cuisine. But we don’t stop there.

Some of the many ethical meat dishes offered at the San Telmo Market. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

In line with our commitment to sustainability, we’re exploring alternative protein sources. Think lab-grown meat, insect proteins, algae proteins, and fungal proteins. These cutting-edge options offer exciting possibilities for food innovation while addressing the environmental concerns associated with traditional meat production.

Genuine, lab-grown, and alternative meats of San Telmo Market. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

So, whether you’re a seasoned foodie, an advocate for sustainable living, or simply looking to explore new culinary horizons, San Telmo Market has something extraordinary waiting for you at every stall. Enjoy your gastronomic adventure!

Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the unique aspects of San Telmo Market that set it apart as a haven of sustainability and resilience.

Inside our green walls, you’ll discover a section dedicated to herbal, native flowers, and drought-tolerant plants. This is our response to the growing concerns about climate change and extreme weather events, particularly heatwaves and high temperatures. These resilient botanical wonders not only add a touch of natural elegance to your living spaces but also thrive in our local climate, requiring minimal water and maintenance.

Native flowers and drought-tolerant plants outside San Telmo Market. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

But that’s not all. We’re also making these resilient plants easily accessible to the surrounding neighborhoods. Residents can take strolls or bike rides to the market and choose from a diverse array of herbal, native flowers, and drought-tolerant plants to adorn their homes and outdoor spaces. By doing so, they become part of a community effort to enhance resilience while enjoying the beauty and benefits of these hardy botanical treasures.

And for those of you who are history enthusiasts and technology aficionados, San Telmo Market is a treasure trove of antiques and vintage electronics — a world where the past and the future coexist harmoniously. As you explore our enchanting alleys, you’ll discover a dedicated section brimming with antiques that tell captivating stories of bygone eras. From exquisite furniture to delicate porcelain, each item carries with it a sense of nostalgia and a deep connection to the rich cultural heritage of Buenos Aires.

In between the bustling market stalls, you’ll find another corner filled with a fascinating array of vintage electronics. Here, you can unearth Samsung mobile phones from yesteryears, retro gaming consoles like the PlayStation 2, and beautifully restored Nikon cameras. These timeless devices not only evoke a strong sense of nostalgia but also celebrate the craftsmanship and enduring appeal of vintage technology.

An Oasis for treasure hunters. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

Our dedication to sustainability extends even to our commitment to preserving and repurposing antiques and vintage electronics. So, as you explore San Telmo Market’s diverse offerings, you’re not just immersing yourself in history and technology — you’re also contributing to our mission of sustainability and resilience.

There’s more! The market is not just about food and sustainability; it’s also a place where local craftsmanship and cultural exploration thrive. As you wander through our enchanting corridors, immerse yourself in a literary journey. Shelves adorned with books will transport you to different worlds and ignite your imagination, creating an oasis for book lovers and dreamers.

And if you’re into fashion and style, our leather goods section is a must-visit. Here, you’ll find a wide range of options to suit diverse preferences and values. Whether you prefer genuine leather, synthetic alternatives, or environmentally friendly choices, our leather artisans meticulously craft products that combine style, durability, and ethical considerations. It’s where fashion meets conscious consumerism.

Genuine, synthetic, or environmentally-friendly leather goods. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

In a cozy corner of the market, you’ll stumble upon a Yerba Mate and infusion store — a true haven for tea and mate lovers. Indulge in the aromatic blends of locally sourced herbs, carefully selected for their unique flavors and therapeutic properties. Sip on a warm cup of tranquility as you savor the rich traditions of herbal and yerba mate infusions. It’s a journey for your senses and a tribute to Argentina’s beloved mate culture.

Sip by sip, your corner of mate and other herbs. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

Surprises don’t end there. As you venture deeper into the market, a peculiar shop catches your eye — “Dra. Spime & Smartphone.” This innovative establishment seamlessly merges the physical and digital worlds. Here, you can explore cutting-edge technologies, discover the latest advancements in smart devices, and engage in conversations that explore the possibilities of a hyper-connected future. It’s a glimpse into tomorrow’s tech-savvy world right here in the heart of San Telmo Market.

Connection, Repair, and Analysis: Dr. Spime & Smartphone at your Service. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

San Telmo Market is more than just a place to savor delicious cuisine; it’s a social hub that fosters community engagement and connection. Our shared kitchens are bustling hubs where chefs and local producers come together to collaborate, host pop-up events, and experiment in lab kitchens. This collaborative environment encourages innovation and serves as a platform to showcase diverse culinary creations, promote local talent, and nurture a strong sense of community.

One of our shared and lab kitchens, where chefs and local producers come together. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

The market also plays a central role in hosting various fairs, cultural events, and educational programs centered around gastronomy and environmental awareness. Taking advantage of our favorable climate, these events often spill out into our open-air spaces, reducing energy consumption while creating a lively atmosphere. From food festivals to workshops on sustainable farming practices, these gatherings offer opportunities for learning, celebration, and a deeper connection to our local food culture.

Photograph of a gastronomic event that took place a few weeks ago. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

Through these initiatives, San Telmo Market not only nourishes the body but also feeds the spirit of our community. We cultivate a sense of belonging, foster social interactions, and promote a shared commitment to gastronomy, environmental stewardship, and the overall well-being of our neighborhood.

With our mix of traditional and contemporary elements, the market also serves as a versatile location for filming and streaming, accommodating a wide range of genres and narratives. Whether you’re producing a food documentary, a travel show, a dramatic scene, or a vibrant cultural event, our market’s eclectic and vibrant atmosphere provides an authentic backdrop that adds depth and character to any production.

And it’s not just the setting that adds authenticity; our diverse array of vendors, artisans, and visitors infuse energy and liveliness into every production. Whether you’re capturing the interaction between characters in a bustling café, showcasing the craftsmanship of a local artisan, or immersing your audience in the vibrant ambiance of a food festival, San Telmo Market offers a wealth of opportunities for storytelling and visual creativity.

To enhance convenience and accessibility, San Telmo Market goes the extra mile. We offer classic home delivery and convenient pick-up services facilitated by authorized autonomous vehicles. This innovative approach to transportation and logistics ensures that our customers can enjoy the diverse offerings of the market without relying on traditional transportation methods.

A pick-up service facilitated by an authorized autonomous vehicle. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

Customers can easily place their orders online or through our dedicated app, selecting their desired items from the various stalls and vendors within the market. Once the order is confirmed, our authorized autonomous vehicles, equipped with advanced navigation systems and secure storage compartments, are dispatched to the respective address.

The use of autonomous vehicles not only reduces our reliance on traditional delivery services but also promotes efficiency and sustainability in transportation. These vehicles are designed to optimize routes and minimize energy consumption, aligning perfectly with San Telmo Market’s eco-friendly ethos.

Are you passionate about the vibrant atmosphere of San Telmo Market and eager to be a part of its thriving community? Look no further! We invite you to join our Decentralized Autonomous Organization* (DAO) and become an integral part of our network. Embrace the opportunity to connect, collaborate, and make a positive impact on our beloved market and its community.

The map of San Telmo market in a potential near future of the city of Buenos Aires

I’m thrilled to share with you the remarkable efforts of San Telmo Market when it comes to creating an inclusive and accessible market environment for everyone. This market goes above and beyond to ensure that every visitor has a seamless and enjoyable experience.

First and foremost, we’ve incorporated adapted access points, ramps, and elevators to cater to the needs of those with functional diversity. We believe that everyone should have easy access to our market, and these features are designed to make that a reality.

But our commitment to inclusivity doesn’t stop there. We take great pride in offering non-gendered bathrooms and recognizing and respecting the diverse gender identities and expressions of all our visitors. We believe in creating a welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable and safe.

In the spirit of innovation, the market has also embraced forward-thinking transportation solutions to enhance convenience and reduce our environmental impact. We’ve designated order pick-up locations for authorized autonomous vehicles, reducing unnecessary travel for our visitors and allowing them to conveniently collect their purchases from the comfort of their homes.

Furthermore, we’ve installed charging stations to support the growing use of electric and autonomous vehicles, promoting sustainable delivery mobility options. By embracing these technologies and eco-friendly transportation solutions, we’re fully committed to creating a market that aligns with the principles of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

At San Telmo Market, inclusivity, diversity, and equality are not just words; they’re values that we uphold in every aspect of our market. We hope you’ll join us in celebrating these efforts as we continue to evolve and provide an exceptional experience for all.

Allow me to introduce you to a market that champions the highest standards of social and environmental impact. At this market, we are unwavering in our commitment to operating in a way that fosters social equity, economic prosperity, and environmental stewardship.

Our dedication to these values is evident in every facet of our operation. From the sourcing of ingredients to our meticulous waste management practices, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to minimize our environmental footprint and promote a circular economy.

But that’s just the beginning. As Argentina grapples with rising temperatures, we’ve taken proactive steps to ensure the comfort and well-being of our cherished visitors at San Telmo Market. We’re keenly aware of the challenges posed by extreme heat, and that’s why we’re proud participants in the “Plan Calor Buenos Aires 2030.” This comprehensive initiative is aimed at addressing the effects of high temperatures in Buenos Aires City, and we’re fully onboard.

Market’s Food Quality Control Station accredited by the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life

As a certified building, we’ve incorporated innovative water engineering techniques, including the use of artificially created rainwater clouds, to regulate temperatures and provide a comfortable atmosphere for our customers. We believe that even in the face of extreme weather conditions, we can continue to offer a safe and enjoyable experience by prioritizing sustainable and adaptive solutions.

Now, when it comes to the safety and well-being of our customers, we leave no room for compromise. Our market boasts an approved Food Quality Control Station accredited by the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life. Here, we’ve harnessed advanced technology to enhance the convenience and transparency of food safety measures.

Food safety measures are taken by food-specialized scientists of the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life. Source: Nicolás Bronzina, AI-Generated.

Imagine shopping for your favorite products and using your smartphone to scan items, gaining access to detailed information about their quality, origin, and safety. This process combines the power of RFID tags, QR codes, and augmented reality to provide real-time data on each product.

Once scanned, you’ll instantly receive information about the product’s production methods, nutritional content, allergen information, and any relevant certifications or quality standards. Rest assured, this data is securely stored in a centralized database, ensuring that you always have access to accurate and up-to-date information.

Furthermore, our Food Quality Control Station leverages cutting-edge AI and machine learning algorithms to analyze scanned data, detecting potential risks or anomalies. This proactive approach enables us to swiftly identify and address any food safety concerns.

At San Telmo Market, your safety, comfort, and satisfaction are at the forefront of our mission. We invite you to explore, indulge, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re in good hands.

As we continue our exploration of San Telmo Market, I’d like to draw your attention to the remarkable design and architecture of this market, which serve as shining examples of our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Every element of our premises has been thoughtfully crafted with the environment in mind, from the choice of construction materials to the implementation of energy-efficient systems. These careful considerations are all part of our concerted effort to minimize our environmental impact and enhance energy efficiency.

One feature that stands out is the incorporation of green roofs and walls. Not only do these lush green areas add an exquisite touch to our aesthetics, but they also serve a practical purpose. These natural insulators play a crucial role in reducing the temperature inside the building and mitigating the urban heat island effect. As you’ve likely noticed, they create a refreshing and inviting atmosphere while contributing to the overall improvement of our environment.

But our commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop there. We’ve also embraced Greywater Treatment Systems. These innovative systems enable us to recycle and reuse water that’s used in cleaning our facilities. By treating and repurposing gray water, we can redirect it for various purposes, such as watering plants or other non-potable applications. This not only reduces the strain on our freshwater resources but also minimizes water wastage, aligning with our pledge to be responsible stewards of the environment.

Irrigation system — Building with grey water treatment system for the reuse of the water used within the premises.

Perhaps one of our most prominent sustainability features is the extensive array of solar panels strategically placed across our rooftops and facades. These solar panels harness the abundant sunlight that blesses our region, converting it into clean, renewable energy. This energy source significantly meets our market’s power needs while reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. The result is a substantial decrease in our carbon footprint, another significant step toward a more sustainable future.

Energy dashboard — 100% autonomous building powered by solar energy.

Before we conclude our tour of San Telmo Market, I’d like to direct your attention to an essential aspect of our market’s modernity — our website.

In today’s digital age, a market’s online presence is just as crucial as its physical space. Our website is designed to complement and enhance your experience, both before and after your visit.

You can explore a wealth of information about our market, from detailed vendor listings to upcoming events and promotions. You’ll find a map that guides you through the market’s layout, helping you plan your visit and locate your favorite stalls. Our website also offers a glimpse into the rich history and architectural marvels of San Telmo Market.

We hope you enjoyed the visit. Thanks for being part of the journey!

The team of tour guides at the San Telmo Market.

In a collaboration between Nicolás Bronzina, Israel Viadest, and Fabien Girardin we used an approach called Design Fiction to explore the potential future of the City of Buenos Aires through the evolution of one of its iconic markets, the Mercado San Telmo.

