A Quick Sneak Peek Into The Global Health Crisis-Why It’s Such A Problem & Present Solutions

Riya Mehta
Futureshot Factory
Published in
6 min readApr 25, 2020


What are some of the biggest problems in the world right now? Poverty? Climate Change? Inequality? Well, alot of these issues stem from not having proper global health systems around the world. I know, sounds a little crazy but hear me out here. Ensuring global health is the foundation of everything. How are people supposed to change the world or do anything if their health isn’t in tact?

To give some context, there are many issues related to the medical system, including things like sanitation, antibiotic resistance, even pandemics like the novel coronavirus.

The interesting thing is that if we reflect on the current state of our planet during the spread of the virus, there is a whole new side of our world that doesn’t get to experience that same medical care we do or even have basic checkups.

It really adds a whole new layer to thinking about global health issues and how our health really affects everyone regardless of your race, religion and other factors. Health is something we all have in common and we need more efficient systems in place which help to bring that to light for people less fortunate than us.

WHO revealed that over 45% of member states reported they had less than 1 doctor per thousand patients.

Map of the health ranking in different countries based on WHO, UN population division & World Bank data



Riya Mehta
Futureshot Factory

I am a 16 year old student who is passionate about biotechnology and international medicine. Currently an innovator at TKS & working with Sick Kids Hospital!