Image Credit: Wall Street Journal

And you thought Facebook wasn’t doing it?

All the members of the BigTech Elite Club have now admitted to the wrongdoing


So much for trusting the tech companies with your personal information. To tell you the truth, I would have been surprised if Facebook wasn’t doing this. I mean after all the social media giant has the worst track record among the Big techs when it comes to securing users privacy. Amazon, Microsoft, Apple & Google and now Facebook have all gone behind our backs to listen to our personal conversations via third party contractors.

With the fifth big tech company admitting to the practice this year it completes the “FAAMG’s circle of mistrust.” For those you who don’t know, FAAMG is an acronym coined by Goldman Sachs of the five top-performing tech companies —Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft & Google. According to a recent report by Bloomberg, FB paid hundreds of contractual workers to listen to your voice recordings from its Messenger App.

The contractors were apparently not told about whose recordings were these or how they were obtained. The manual transcription was introduced to check the accuracy of the Artifical intelligence software interpreting these same messages, which were not traceable back to the users as claimed by Facebook.



Faisal Khan

A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more