Announcing Futureswap V2 Beta

Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2021


Futureswap aims to create a perpetuals trading experience that improves on what centralized futures exchanges offer. Very little of the ~$100 billion in daily perpetuals volume is currently being handled on-chain. Futureswap wants to be a key driver in bringing this volume on-chain.

V2 of Futureswap provides features that serious traders expect, including live pricing, more performant trading, and higher capital efficiency. Core features such as AMM style liquidity providing, incentivized usage, and community governance remain mostly unchanged.

Oracle Relayer Network (ORN)

One of our most notable improvements is Futureswap’s Oracle Relayer Network (ORN). This enables instant pricing and a real-time trading experience. The ORN can be thought of as a mesh between a price oracle and a meta transaction processor node. The ORN takes in a signed message, verifies the message is valid and puts the transaction on-chain with the current asset price.

To give users full control and ensure accurate and secure prices, the bounds for a trade’s price are set by the user. A transaction will fail if the ORN price is outside of these bounds.

Moving forward, our focus is optimizing the ORN to enable more node operators, which helps achieve our goal of being fully decentralized.

The ORN is being audited by Trail of Bits. The Ethereum smart contracts have been audited by OpenZeppelin (Audit Report)

Capital Efficiencies

Futureswap is designed to be a platform for large traders and arbitrageurs. Based on the current slippage parameters, after 50m in liquidity, Futureswap should have better price execution for a $1m trade than any other exchange. Futureswap aims to offer a better trading experience, specifically price execution, than centralized exchanges as a whole.


Futureswap is non-custodial. Deposited funds are stored in an Ethereum smart contract that has been audited by OpenZeppelin. Only users have access to their funds, and this can never be changed. If for any reason the network becomes unavailable, your funds in the exchange can be recovered by putting the exchange into disabled mode via a governance vote.

Governance Token — FST

FST is Futureswap’s non-transferable governance token. It allows for democratic changes of the protocol, which will enable it to evolve and improve over time. Traders, Liquidity Providers, and Referrers are rewarded in our system by receiving FST on weekly periods.


This is the next step in our continued mission of building a better exchange for perpetual trading. Join us on our Discord to participate in the discussion, and follow us on Twitter for updates. You can read more about Futureswap in our Docs and start using Futureswap today at




A decentralized, AMM-based perpetuals protocol enabling high leverage and capital-efficient trading