Community Update #1

Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2021
This NFT was specially made for Futureswap OGs, like the Futureswap Ambassadors.

Hello from the Futureswap team! We wanted to share a quick update on what we’ve been up to and to give you a little window into our day-to-day.

The last few months have been jam-packed for us. As you know, we were mainly heads down pushing out Futureswap V4 public testnet and mainnet beta. Since the launches, we’ve been working on addressing some of the feedback we’ve received from the community and brainstorming what’s next for the protocol.

We’ve also been busy growing the team, piloting the Ambassador program, and researching ways to improve the Discord server experience. More details on all of this below!


The Uniswap LP rewards distribution has been generated along with open sourcing the script. Check the governance forum for more details:

Here are some quick protocol stats:

  • The ETH/USDC exchange has had an average of ~$12m in open interest
  • One week post-launch, Uniswap liquidity grew to > $22m
  • Average APY of 169% for Uniswap V3 LPs in FST yields. LPs that actively manage liquidity within 2.5% bounds were able to earn multiples higher.

What else we’re working on:

  • Addressing V4 feedback
  • Adding Trading View to the price chart
  • Strategy brainstorming — we’re excited to share our plan for the next couple of months soon!


We’re a lean team that’s excited about the future of Futureswap! Although we’ve been tirelessly working on the protocol, we’ve also been building out the marketing and operations functions while continuing to grow the product and engineering team.

Check out our open roles here.

Interested in working with us or have someone you want to send our way? Don’t see an open role but want to join the team? Shoot us an email at


We started a pilot of the Ambassador program about a month ago with awesome community members 8fold, CometShock, Conde Alicate Caralho, DBRolling, Donut, ecib, HittingBOMBS, Leisurelord, shen, and Tano. We couldn’t be more excited about this group of people! Over the next few months, we’ll continue to develop the program with the Ambassadors before opening up applications to anyone who is interested.

Your feedback about the Discord server has been heard and we’re making some changes. We spent time looking into various Discord bots and ways to improve the experience. First up, we’ll be removing, consolidating, and renaming channels to streamline things. Second, we’ll also be adding a new channel with resources and links.

Lastly, to help fight spam, we’re adding a verification step using emoji reaction roles. This requires action on your part:

Head over to #start-here and follow the emoji react instructions within the next 3 days (before November 8, 2021) to receive the verified role

From November 8, 2021 onward, only those who have the verified role will continue having access to the Discord server channels. We'll also be pruning anyone who hasn't been active in the last 30 days, but they can still re-join the server at any time by following the verification step.

The next Futureswap community call is happening on November 12, 2021 at 12pm PST (7pm UTC) [edit: previously scheduled for 11am PST (6pm UTC)] on Discord in the #stage channel.

We’ve also really been feeling the love from the community:

Press + Media

Check out some of our recent press and media:




A decentralized, AMM-based perpetuals protocol enabling high leverage and capital-efficient trading