Open Sourcing Futureswap

Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2022

Another step towards full community governance

The Futureswap logo and text ‘Open Sourcing Futureswap’ over a green gradient background

Futureswap’s end goal is to provide the best possible leveraged trading experience for digital assets. That requires composability, decentralization, non-custodial liquidity, community governance, capital efficiency, economic security, and most of all — trustlessness.

To further our commitment to trustlessness for traders and liquidity providers, the Futureswap code base is almost entirely open source; discover the GitHub repository here. Regardless of your smart contract experience, we encourage you to check out the audit reports below. Besides open-sourcing our code to minimize trust friction and increase the security of our core product, our goal is to improve Futureswap’s composability with other projects.

With access to our contracts, developers can also more easily explore building directly atop Futureswap in a variety of novel ways. For example, bots could use our API to expand trading functionality — from automatic stop-loss to placing limit orders.

The key components we’re releasing include the core contracts of version 4.1, the Command Line Interface (including the Liquidation Bot), and fs-examples (example contracts for interacting with the platform). Apart from the frontend, which we plan to open source as well, these packages make up the core of the repository.

Security is our number one priority, and we encourage you to review our most recent audit with leading security experts Trail of Bits. The audit revealed no notable issues. Ensuring a safe — not rushed — product for traders is paramount.

If you’re interested in building on top of Futureswap, we’re here to help; head to our #🛠builders channel on Discord. You can find additional documentation in our docs as well. Otherwise, if you have any questions at all, ping us on Discord or Twitter. We’re happy to dive in further.


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A decentralized, AMM-based perpetuals protocol enabling high leverage and capital-efficient trading