Chap 15 — Datascrapers

M. Pell
Futuristic Design
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2017


full chapter excerpted from “Envisioning Holograms” by M. Pell

Tron had it right. Data is a vast, towering world to be explored. End of Line.

Storytellers are expert at creating vast, captivating landscapes for their tales to inhabit. To me, there’s no place more vast and captivating than New York City, with its gigantic, gleaming skyscrapers and endless spaces to explore. When seen in person, the scale of those buildings is truly humbling. It’s with that sense of scale in mind that I created a “data art” series called Datascrapers in 2016.

This work evolved from me exploring U.S. census data sets in a visualization tool. The data set contained information about level of education, income, and geographic region, among many other facets. As I visualized data in various ways three-dimensionally, the imagery became very reminiscent of skyscrapers in my beloved NYC.

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Learn more about the book Envisioning Holograms by M. Pell

