Zenith Portfolio — Privacy And Security Without Compromise

Alexandru Rosianu
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2018

While working on our newest app, we knew we had to make it one-of-a-kind. There are tons of similar apps, but we want to be different. Better. So we’re focusing not only on UI and UX, but also on your privacy.

Data, data, data…

You know already… everybody wants your data. Well, not us. No. We’re building a product that puts you first. Less like Facebook, and more like Things.

Here’s how we’re handling this:

  • All your data stays with you. You don’t need to create an account with us. We don’t know your name. All your portfolios and coins you own or watch are stored on your device.
  • Our server is stupid and does not track you. It is more like a database. The only reason our iOS app connects to our server is to get information about coins: the list of all the coins that exist, information about each coin, and prices across exchanges. That’s all. Oh, and of course—the connection is encrypted over wss.
  • We use Intercom—but only for what its meant to. We decided to implement Intercom because it’s a superb way of assisting our users. It’s powered by chat, and with the Intercom apps installed on our devices, we can reply to messages anytime and anywhere. We configured Intercom to not report any data about you; we might remove or replace it in the future.
  • We use Mixpanel—but only so we know what to improve. With Mixpanel, we track which features of the app are used the most (e.g. how many times you’ve viewed your Watchlist). We DO NOT track what coins you have or how many. We promise—that stays with you. As with Intercom, we’re doing this because we strive to improve; if we realise it’s not worth it, we’ll remove it and find better ways.

Encryption & Cryptography — Not just a fad…

The first time you open our app, it creates a SQLite database in the sandbox allocated by iOS. This database stores all the coins you own, in addition to other data (e.g. prices).

This is how we take care of your data:

  • First off, there’s filesystem encryption: iOS encrypts the whole filesystem via a key stored on a chip; this encryption is not linked to your passcode.
  • Then there’s NSFileProtectionComplete: This means that our app’s data is kept encrypted on disk until you unlock your device. It cannot be read from or written to while the device is locked or booting. This second layer of encryption uses your passcode and only works if you have set one. Therefore, we strongly recommend setting a 6-digit passcode.
  • No, we’re not paranoid, but there’s a third layer: We encrypt some data even before writing it into the database (e.g. the amounts of coins you own).

By employing 3 layers of encryption, we are confident that no one can read your data except you. Because only YOU hold the key.

If you want to stay updated with our progress, please follow us on Twitter. You can also try the beta version of Zenith Portfolio for iOS by contacting or joining us on Product Hunt.

