When Democracy Doesn’t Work Anymore

Democracy is known to be the best political system in the world but as long as it can work.

Kaveh Bakhtiyari
Futurist Zone
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2018


Democracy is a system of processing issues in which outcomes depend on what participants do, but no single force controls what occurs and its outcomes. “Rule of the majority” is sometimes referred to as democracy. In a democracy, citizens exercise power through free and fair elections in which every citizen has equal rights and shares by voting. This is exactly where the problem begins.

Almost all countries are claiming to be democratic, and people are willing to have democratic governments. Some western countries, on the other hand, are forcing non-democratic countries to move toward democracy. However, democracy is not the best solution for all.

Public Education

The main criticism against democracy is irrational voters, who make decisions without all of the facts or necessary information in order to make a truly informed decision. For example, only after the Brexit election, the search on Google over the advantages, disadvantages, and the definition of EU was increased in the UK. This clearly shows that a number of Brexit voters voted without enough knowledge on the matter.

