Chemicals-Releasing Sportswear


A story by Daniella Hvarchilkova

What is it

The company Under Armour is famous for being the leader in innovation in the sports world. They are always one step ahead and they are driven by their mission to help athletes perform better. Through the years they have developed different fabrics which enhance performance in one way or another. Whether it is about keeping you cool, staying warm or staying dry, they can offer a lot to athletes from different fields in achieving the best results. One of their recent patents is chemical releasing clothing (Maslakovic, 2020).

These new pieces of clothing are made of biomaterial which interacts with the skin of the wearer. It releases chemicals into the skin which affect the athlete positively. For example, one of the chemicals released is magnesium, when absorbed by the skin, magnesium can normalize the heart rhythm and reduce blood pressure. This way an overall therapeutic effect is achieved.

The product is not yet on the market and it is only patented. The inventor is Amelia Helmick.

Why it’s Cool

  • When doing sports, especially high-intensity ones, it is important to take care of your body. Normally, health supplements are taken as pills or in the form of shakes before or after a training session. While this is still effective, Under Armour’s solutions gives the athlete full support during training as well. Wearing such pieces of clothing can improve the performance of the athlete and provide them the opportunity to achieve better results immediately since it puts the body in a better condition.
  • Magnesium can also help the muscle tissue heal faster which results in speeding up the process of producing ATP (a molecule that carries energy within cells). This means that an athlete wearing magnesium-releasing T-shirt can achieve better results faster since his body is healing and producing faster.
  • In the making of the alloy embedded into the clothing a few different substances are used. These can be beryllium, calcium or strontium. Calcium and strontium both are not only good for the human body and important for bone formation, but they also strengthen the effect of magnesium. Another chemical used in the embodiment is zink. It also interacts with magnesium by strengthening its effect and slowing down its degradation. Other elements that can be used are cadmium and manganese. (Under Armour Inc.)

Why it has Future Growth Potential

After patenting the chemical-releasing clothing, Under Armour continued in the same direction. In April 2019 they released their recovery apparel capsule collection which again focuses on providing the muscles what they need in order to recover faster. For the making of this product they partnered with milan-based fashion brand Palm Angels and infrared technology provider Celliant.

“The apparel will take the heat naturally produced by the body and re-emit it back in the form of infrared energy, aiding in the recovery process.” — Under Armour

According to a press release by Urban Sports Club in January this year, customers are now seeking short and effective workouts. A duration between 30 minutes to an hour is the norm, during which high intensity is welcome (Urban Sports Club, 2020). In addition, one of the most popular courses is the progressive muscle relaxation. The new invention of Under Armour is in line with the interests of people in 2020 regarding sports since it offers both effectiveness, wellbeing, health care and helps get better results faster. The chemical-releasing clothing improve a human’s abilities and for now we see this used in sports and leisure time, but it might be that in the future it expands much more than that.

This is a story of the Futurists Club

By Science of the Time

Written by: Daniella Hvarchilkova

Originally from Bulgaria, Daniela is currently a student at the Fontys Academy for Creative Industries where she is learning how to research trends and develop concepts. During her study she worked on projects within the leisure and human movement sector as well as in the field of education. Her interest in personal development took her to a few life design experiences which gave her great insights and inspiration. She likes reading more about the human brain, NLP and our inner world.

Daniela believes in ideas which in one way or another improve quality of life of people. Whether it has something to do with mental wellbeing or physical or social wellbeing, it is all interesting for her as long as it brings value and increases the sense of happiness. “This way not only individuals but the whole society can move forward”. For her collaborating with creative and open-minded people brings joy and she loves working in such setting because it gives her energy and makes her passionate.

In her free time she does many different kinds of sports starting with dancing, going through boxing, horse riding and all the way to skiing and snowboarding. She is passionate about them because they enrich her life and create a feeling of freedom.

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Science of the Time

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