Trends & Insights for a New Normal


A story by Luís Rasquilha

The Covid-19 phenomenon arrived like a tsunami, shaking countries, markets, businesses, companies, people, beliefs and our real life. The rules have changed, and the reality has changed significantly.

What are the main Trends for a new normal world? Here the 10 major trends spotted by Inova, linked to this new reality.

• CoCooning & Encapsulation 2.0:

Concept created by Faith Popcorn in the 70s, when she referred to the greater time that people would spend inside the home. All of a sudden, they found themselves confined to their home space. The implications for teaching and work models will be profound and new models of thinking, productivity, learning and delivery will emerge in a new reality.

• Social Media:

Social media, led by social networks, are today a critical axis in everyone’s life. The power of co-creating and making content available to all who browse this immense web has contributed decisively to the increase in available information and to the levels of global transparency. And this radically changes the way opinion leaders (people or companies) are seen to affect their credibility and reputation.

• Remote Work and Education:

Now everyone has learned to work remotely, using the huge variety of tools, free or paid, available that have taken us to a new reality. Remote management took on new meaning and radically changed the work for the future. Education, then, will experience its greatest transformation. Virtual, remote, live, recorded, group, isolated classes… but (almost) always remote. The adoption of digital tools for work and learning shows that the digital transformation has already happened even in those who still did not find this topic relevant in their business.

• Connectivity & Infotech:

At the same speed that a vaccine and a cure for the virus are sought, innovative and complete connection solutions are produced. Infotech (technological revolution) represents the exponential growth of computing power at the service of people and businesses. Digital mobility opposes physical mobility, changing the logic of globalization and the world without borders.

• Humanism & Solidarity:

The situation that the world lives in, of isolation, combined with the growing social awareness of a good part of the world, brought to the fore a greater humanism and solidarity with others. One of the legacies of this moment in the world will be greater awareness and concern for the other, giving meaning to the expression: the future of human beings is human beings. And the role of each of us and the obligation also only increases from now on in the search for a better world.

• 1st Family:

As a result of social isolation, there is a greater proximity (albeit for now digital) with those who are most dear to us. The resurgence and resignification of emotional values ​​has tangibility in the time that is being dedicated to speaking and accompanying those who are most dear to us, using, at this stage, digital tools, but leaving a behavioral legacy of greater attention to “our” in the future.

• New Economic Models:

The emergence of the concepts of conscious or social capitalism, circular economy, creative economy, among others, have gained strength. The so-called middle path, among the economic (and even political) theories in force today (and which have been circulating since the last century), is being discussed in different spheres and with different lenses. The economic and political models that have brought us here are unlikely to be sustained in the near future.

• New Global Hubs:

Just look at the biggest companies in the world, where some of the biggest global unicorns have come from or where the real technological evolution has emerged to verify the fall of the so-called traditional blocks and the growth of the emerging blocks. Other blocs (including countries or groups of countries) will assume important roles in areas as different as health and medicine, technology, industrial production, education, nanotechnology or biotechnology.

• GloCalization:

The concern with the small business owner, with the local trader, with the self-employed has directed the attention of large multinational companies towards small local traders. “Goliaths” to be taken care of because the “Davis” are arriving with massive support from the populations.

• New Business Models:

From this whole transformation scenario, a new management model and new business emerges. As in all times of change, some businesses lose importance, others win, some disappear, and others appear. It is the wheel of life.

Download the full paper (in Portuguese) here:

This is a story of the Futurist Club

By Science of the Time

Written by: Luís Rasquilha

Luís Rasquilha

Disruptive Strategy Executive Program (Harvard Business School | HBX, USA), Advance Program in Strategic Management (Copenhagen Business School, DNK), there Antecipatory Organization Executive Course (Burrus Research, EUA), Trends Innovation Course (Inova Business School, BRZ, ), Post-MBA (Inova Business School, BRZ), Master in Creativity & Design Thinking (Stanford University, EUA), Master in Entrepreneurship & Management Innovation (UCP, PT), Post-graduation in Management (ISG, PT), MBA (ISCTE, PT), Post-graduation in Marketing (UCP, PT) & Graduation in Communication (INP, PT). Specialized in Future, Trends & Innovation.

Started his career in Worldwide advertising agencies (Publicis, Dentsu, Ogilvy and WOP, from W/Brasil) developing strategy analysis and innovation concepts for worldwide brands. Then as a consultant worked for several Top Brands. Now leads INOVA Consulting and INOVA Business School as CEO. As a consultant, worked with 10 of the 50 most innovative companies worldwide.

Invited professor in several Business Schools and Universities in Europe (Portugal — ISVOUGA, IPAM; Spain — Financial Times e Instituto de Empresa Business School, Corporate Learning Alliance — FT ie CLA) and South America (Brazil — FIA/USP, FDC, Hospital Albert Einstein and INOVA Business School). Board Member at G100 Brasil and Crypto bank Capitual. Author & co-Author of 18 books related to Management, Trends & Innovation, Marketing & Communication.

Specialties: Strategy, Future, Trends & Innovation.

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Science of the Time

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