Best Links for Bloggers, Writers and Publishers — December, 26

A bunch of interesting reads

Giuseppe Granieri
Futurists’ Views
2 min readDec 26, 2013



“Managers who are skilled at executing clearly defined strategies are ill equipped for out-of-the-box thinking. In addition, when good ideas do emerge, they’re often doomed because the company is organized to support one way of doing business and doesn’t have the processes or metrics to support a new one.”
The New Patterns of Innovation -Harvard Business Review-


“But every book, and every deal, is different. Today writers have options they never had before…and so do readers. Segregation isn’t the answer to the rising above the clutter and selling books. The answer is writing a good book…coupled with strong packaging and shrewd promotion, advertising and social media marketing. Because for authors in today’s world, whether you are self-published or under contract, you need to be a businessperson, too. It’s not enough to produce the product, you have to effectively sell it, too.”
Self-Publishing Revolution: Adapt or Die -Lee Goldberg-

“What I found shouldn’t be surprising: agents are adapting swiftly and creatively to the fluctuating literary marketplace. In addition to their traditional work of finding buyers for intellectual property, agents are experimenting widely and expanding thoughtfully.”
6 Degrees of Agent Evolution -Jason Allen Ashlock-

“Talk to other authors; do research; make notes. Stalk folks on Twitter, in interviews, in their publications, via their authors, on forums, & listen at conferences. Think business, not harem.”
Your writing career is a small business, not a marriage -Melissa Marr-


“When I say “intellectually persuasive,” I am referring to writing for a particular kind of audience. I’m not talking about writing for mass audiences, for which you can rely on slick copy and glossy images to get your point across. If your audience is smart and discerning, if your readers will be examining your writing with critical eyes, you must have the capacity to develop sound arguments.”
10 Tips for Intellectually Persuasive Writing -Douglas E. Rice-

“One key to influencing people on the social Web is the ability to present information in a way that builds likeability.”
9 keys to writing likeable content on your blog -John Gregory Olson (via @francescoeam)-

“Above all, web designers have got to realize what it takes to stay competitive. They need to mix disciplines and understand that there’s a lot more to HTML conversion than they ever thought.”
Mixing the Disciplines: 54 Things a Web Designer Should Learn to Do in 2014 -Sasha Zinevych-

“With the state of search in the content basket, we have to provide well-written, engaging content for people in our niche. Think about The Huffington Post or Wired, or even Seth Godin’s blog. What is it about them that makes people go there, day after day, to read the content?”
How to Write Engaging Content that People Actually Want to Read -Pat Marcello-

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Giuseppe Granieri
Futurists’ Views

Predictive Thinking. Author of several books, columnist/contributor (L'Espresso, La Stampa), contract professor (Urbino University) | @gg |