Innovation in modern IT

On cloud, devops, paas, saas, iaas and the future of software development

Francesco Pollice
Futurists’ Views


“We are now seeing an emerging tension point between developers and CIOs, which is shifting the CIOs’ ability to be the driving force for innovation and change within their business. This is a risk for CIOs who don’t adapt, especially given that developers are fast becoming the bedrock of IT innovation today and their numbers are growing: the total developer population worldwide is expected to grow from 18.2m today to 26.4 million in 2019, according to Evans Data Worldwide.
Developers that work in large enterprises should be considered the internal engine of innovation to the companies they work for. However, it is regretfully the case that IT budgets remain relatively flat and more often than not the developers are being asked to quarterback new projects that deliver competitive advantage. ” CIOs Must Adapt to Embrace Developer-Led Innovation

“In traditional IT, a wide gap exists between developers and operations. The priorities and goals of these teams are often misaligned, causing a wall of confusion. Developers want to move quickly from idea, to code, to production. Operations wants predictable production deployments to remain stable. Developers need rapid change and operations needs stability (and hence a desire for minimal change).
The great wall of confusion between development and operations leads to typical enterprise slowdowns. Next comes the typical finger pointing between various stakeholders, each protecting the success they are responsible for. This wall between development and operations is cultural and a byproduct of their misaligned goals. It’s also aggravated by the lack of good available tools. Another source of misalignment is the lack of standardized tooling for development, testing, and production. To aggravate things further, for many teams, the development and test environments are different from production.
Moving to cloud doesn’t automatically avoid these consequences. Unless the existing culture and processes change, you’ll only experience iterative improvement over traditional IT as the wall of confusion continues to slow down the application delivery process.”
DevOps, PaaS and Modern IT

“Users are demanding new applications and services to engage with the new consumer-centric world. To satisfy this demand, I have seen a pattern of integrated approaches to cloud-enabled application delivery emerging across development and operations teams. This builds on accepted DevOps practices and couples them with public or private cloud infrastructure provisioned to greatly reduce the time taken to deliver new applications into production. ”
How Software Defined Environments and DevOps accelerate social and mobile delivery

“A survey of enterprises by IBM has showed that those who adopt and leverage cloud computing for competitive advantage on average grow twice as fast and double their profit. The company’s Walter Falk, Christopher Ferris, Michael Fork and Rob Sauerwalt outline several areas where businesses can make gains.
Continued technology advancements in cloud computing are creating exceptional opportunities for enterprises to transform business models, supply chains, and their interactions with customers and partners. New technologies and tools are transforming traditional software development lifecycles.
This has a profound impact on how enterprises should think about their business”
Why you should use cloud computing

“You must ensure that you provide great service to your hosted customers on day-to-day basis. This will ensure the subscription renewals, position you as a trusted partner for your customers and show them real cost savings. At the same time, you have to be able to provide your customers with data security in compliance with the law, data back-up and disaster recovery—all while meeting the promised SLA (Service Level Agreement). As you do this, try to minimize the maintenance downtimes. Provide enough notice to customers for essential maintenance downtimes to minimize any disruption. Invest in building efficient support teams. Remember, it is easier to switch SaaS vendors, so exceptional support and service is the key customer retention. ” 7 considerations when moving on-premise software to cloud

“Platform as a Service (PaaS) is the abstraction of the underlying application stack. With PaaS, developers don’t have to worry about managing operating systems, databases, application servers or programming stacks and can focus on business requirements.
What’s the greatest hindrance to PaaS adoption? Not every workload is a smart candidate for PaaS.
For workloads with extreme transaction processing requirements, developers need more control over the application stack in order to meet the desired performance requirements and SLAs. Today, only IaaS provides developers with this level of control. ”
Blurring The Line Between PaaS And IaaS

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Francesco Pollice
Futurists’ Views

«I may dress like a nerd, but I can read trends». Nerd, or Geek. I cannot decide. #futurism, #tech, #innovation — — @francescoeam