Nerd Weekly Digest

some good links for nerd and geek, week 38

Francesco Pollice
Futurists’ Views
Published in
5 min readSep 15, 2014


“Popular websites that do well online often have more to them than a good quality sense of search engine optimization within their overall design.
They have often gone to where they are by being mentioned throughout the web on websites that have lifted their SERP and have linked them in different ways to other websites. It is not often that one can achieve this sort of networking on the website without some sort of method in place and you would have to be very lucky for it to happen on yours. This is why SEO can do wonders for websites if it is implemented properly.”
SEO For Web Designers — What You Need To Know

“Big companies have the capital, the infrastructure, and the engineering talent to chase dozens or hundreds of crazy ideas — and they have the same incentives as VCs to look for those home runs. In fact, it’s economically irrational for big companies not to fund a ton of new ideas in search of innovation. What could be stopping them? Greed? Incompetence? Inability to project a five year cost-benefit analysis? These are just grossly insufficient explanations for behavior which is so at odds with shareholder interest.” The Innovation Dead End: How to Overcome Failure

“Common-sense reasoning is a field of artificial intelligence that aims to help computers understand and interact with people more naturally by finding ways to collect these assumptions and teach them to computers. Common Sense Reasoning has been most successful in the field of natural language processing (NLP), though notable work has been done in other areas. This area of machine learning, with its strange name, is starting to quietly infiltrate different applications ranging from text understanding to processing and comprehending what’s in a photo. Without common sense, it will be difficult to build adaptable and unsupervised NLP systems in an increasingly digital and mobile world. …NLP is where common-sense reasoning excels, and the technology is starting to find its way into commercial products.”
Artificial Intelligence: How Algorithms Make Systems Smart

“Interactive graphics, or ‘interactives’ for short, are like the Transformers of visual content: They can take on a variety of forms. You can find an interactive that’s a microsite, dashboard, or a map, to name a few. But at the core, they’re all visualizations that allow viewers to explore the information presented for themselves.
By definition, interactives engage viewers in a very active way – and that engagement can beincredibly powerful to marketers. People viewing interactives spend more time on the page, seeing a brand associated with content that interests them, all at their own pace.”
Why Interactives are the Next Big Thing in Content Marketing

“Google has just released a new package for R: CausalImpact. Amongst many other things, this package allows Google to resolve the classical conundrum: how can we asses the impact of an intervention (for example, the effect of an advertising campaign on website clicks) when we can’t know what would have happened if we hadn’t run the campaign? For a marketer, the worry is that the spike in clicks was partially or wholly the result of something unrelated (say, a general increase in web traffic) rather than your campaign.”
Google uses R to calculate ROI on advertising campaigns

Responsive web design is basically reformatting or in simple words converting a website into such a format that it can be accessed from the different devices like – smartphone, tablets, desktop, laptop etc. With the a great mass of the population relying much on the devices other than the desktops or laptops to search the internet, it is now sort of a mandate for the web designers to opt for the mode of responsive web designing to regulate the incoming traffic towards the websites.
But, when it comes to online marketing, what are the SEO benefits of going responsive? Here’s how responsive web design can help a site to shine in the SERPs.
Why Responsive Web Design is Good for SEO?

“For decades the prospect of artificial intelligence (AI) has loomed over the business world. Often warped and distorted by its depiction in fiction, there’s been a certain stigma associated with the use and the potential impact of AI. From Skynet enslaving the world to psychotic computers threatening astronauts in 2001: A Space Odyssey, the concept of AI has been taken a long way from the fundamental point of having a software which can independently carry out rudimentary tasks. But there are real benefits it can bring that can make life easier and more enjoyable for workers and citizens alike.
You will often hear business leaders talking about maximizing productivity and driving efficiency in their organizations. Yet, when you look at some of the typical wastage that goes on at companies, a lot of it comes from the standard admin and menial tasks none of us like doing. We recently asked workers, who are often targeted in these productivity drives, if they thought a little automation could help them in their day to day work. Over half said they believe predictive software will be capable of doing 10 per cent of daily admin work in the very near future.”
Is it time for your business to implement an artificial intelligence strategy?

“We’re starting to see smart technology in small doses, in lightbulbs that you can dim or switch off from your phone, or in temperature gauges such Google’s recent acquisition: Nest, but soon we’ll see a whole new wave of connected smart devices on the market…and these devices won’t be your average consumer technology gadgets….
The Internet of Things will be bigger than any advancement in technology in the past. Whereas the Internet allowed computers to talk to each other, to send information communications all around the globe, what we’re seeing with the Internet of Things revolution is the ability for all devices to communicate with one another. This isn’t just one-way communication, such as a remote control and a TV, this is two-way communications, with the ability to send all types of data continuously between smart devices.”
The Future of Technology: a few thoughts

“As high-speed Internet hit the mainstream, consumers became more comfortable with online shopping and raised their expectations for instant and inexpensive. These new behaviors changed industries, introduced new competitors, and the companies that didn’t adapt to the change, didn’t survive.
One of the biggest, if not the biggest in my opinion, changing consumer behaviors today is how people are using mobile and social. Smartphone penetration surpassed 56% in the USA last year, a study found that people check their phones 150 times per day on average, and social usage statistics are just as astounding. Over 3 billion people have a Facebook account, about 1 billion Instagram photos are liked every day, and 19 billion Whatsapp messages are shared daily.
And that’s just today. For companies to be successful, they need to be ready for tomorrow.”
Adapt or Die: How Companies Need to Change for a Mobile-Social World

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Francesco Pollice
Futurists’ Views

«I may dress like a nerd, but I can read trends». Nerd, or Geek. I cannot decide. #futurism, #tech, #innovation — — @francescoeam