Ali Elouafiq
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2018


On the necessity of fatality to conserve collective memory

I have always been puzzled by why things had to happen, out of all possible outcomes. There must be equilibriums maintained, by the necessity of events.

The most striking question, why opressive human beings govern over the planet. And how we can avoid that in a systematic way, without forcing it.

I suppose that the necessity of all events is to preserve “a universal memory”, in other words, to maintain a set of states, through which all the existant states and possible states can be accessed.

This said, the states of tragedies that happened in our history preserve the memory of history through milestones.

Negative turn of events, are hard to tamper, they might be exaggerated, but they preserve a high degree of peristancy. Enabling us to preserve the log of time, not only in books, but also in memories.

Positive turn of events, get turned into legends, and then are distorted by the tyrants to justify their power in a post peace Era. Any positive turn of event, results in a negative turn of event, the later has high chance to be preserved through history.

On the same reasoning, rise of tyrant, has high chance to happen in non cooperative or stagnant societies. When a bug regime rises, the regime tries to maintain its power through logging, journaling and taxation.

Indirectly, the tyrant regime end up preserving a common timing system, and spreading its use.

My hypothesis is that the time measurements want to be maintained, when they are not maintained by the societies, they give rise to opressive regime that preserve them.

I’m confident that time journaling imposes itself. And flows to the side who preserves it.

This said, in order for societies to preserve peace, they must centralise their measurements and charter their metrics.

