Knowledge as a Service (KaaS)

Juan Martin
Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2018

Imagine that you can distill all the knowledge within your company and put it to work for you. What would you do with it?

Many efforts and experiences in Knowledge Management has been done since the 90s towards what Peter F. Drucker called ‘The coming of the New Organization’ or what Ikuro Nonaka defined as ‘The Knowledge-Creating Company’. These cultural changes were required in order to successfully adapt corporations to this ever changing world, re-structuring companies, methodologies, processes to find that eventually the most valued thing in a company is Talent and Knowledge and this is not only in the domain of old heriarchies who just master & command, but it comes from what companies are made. People. No more Human Resources, what a disgusting term! That’s it, People who has specialized knowledge and bright talent. This is the root of the Knowledge-Driven Company where decisions and strategies are made based upon this knowledge as accordingly to Drucker, <<The Knowledge will be primarily at the bottom, in the minds of the specialists who do different work and direct themselves>>.

It is easy to see that Information Technologies are key for this kind of cultural change to root and grow inside any corporation, furthermore in very large ones, and here is where the Knowledge as a Service (KaaS) finds its meaning.

Information Systems in the field of Knowledge Management are nothing new, but it is now when they can have a real meaning and be game changers, thanks to the advances in BigData and AI.

Knowledge is stored and shared in many ways, from management systems to technical documentation, but there are several stoppers for the proper propagation of knowledge and information within a company, these can be technical or human-related ones. Of course the more difficult to solve are those related to human nature, human limitations, scope, perception, time, priorities and here is where new Smart Knowledge Management systems are key.

One of the main problems about sharing knowledge in the past, was the need for people to do it actively, people is not greedy or lazy by nature, so I guess it is not that they do not want or can not share his knowledge, this should have no meaning in this kind of company, because people should be highly motivated and enjoy doing what they do, and they also enjoy sharing their knowledge and feeling proud of it, allowing mutual knowledge enrichment for the common good of their colleagues and the company, otherwise they are in the wrong place, but we humans are limited by our own humanity, our minds and things we can reach within a day are limited by our own nature, so assisting us with tireless and unlimited assistants is the next big thing and this is now possible thanks to Artificial Intelligence. It will be like boosting us with superpowers.

The technical stoppers are now just so easy to solve, no matter how knowledge is stored, structured or unstructured data, information systems, documents, audio of meetings, workshops, etc… everything can now be processed and knowledge can be extracted for the good of everyone in the company, making sharing and retrieving knowledge as natural as talking to a colleague with a very good memory. That just fills the gap, where we humans cannot reach due to lack of time, priorities, plans, etc… ensuring that this knowledge is shared accross the company and made available for anyone who needs it.

And now that we have a platform of Knowledge within the company, let me introduce you to the Knowledge as a Service, we can now offer this knowledge as different services within the own company as consumer or making it extensible to partners and clients where suitable.


Tailored and fitted to the purpose knowledge is difficult to produce, too much information surrounding us, what’s the signal in all this noise? so as we, specialised people working on the company, specialised knowledge assistants working together with us are key in the ‘Knowledge-Driven Company’ and then knowledge can be made available in a generalist or specialised way depending on the needs of the consumer. Systems consuming these knowledge services can be built, current systems can be integrated with these knowledge services.

And from here, possibilities are endless. Knowledge as a Service (KaaS) is what your company needs.



Juan Martin

Asynchronous and non-blocking. Architecture, engineering & data plumbing #Tech #AI #IoT #WoT #NLP #BigData #Architecture #NiFi #Node.js