Futurology Submission Guidelines

Everything you need to know to become a writer for Futurology

Fildy Bejaoui


Hi everyone.

I’ve just started this new publication, centred around futurology. We’re currently accepting new writers to grow the ranks a little, so here’s everything you need to know.

  • PS: We accept already published articles! Given that this is a new publication, for now, submissions don’t have to be drafts only, so the pub’s front page can look a little less bare.

Defining the Topic

We publish everything related to futurology: that is, humanity’s expansion, especially as it pertains to technological progress.

This subject encompasses:

  • Space exploration and space travel
  • Technological evolution/newer technologies and ⇾ its connection to humanity’s spiritual or moral evolution
  • Ethical discussion on the progress of technology and ⇾ how it relates to human evolution and expansion
  • Philosophical/moral discussions on space travel or technology
  • Oneness: how does technology bring us closer together, and how does that benefit us on a moral or/and spiritual level?



Fildy Bejaoui

Providing universal insight to challenge the status quo. I also talk about the vibes & psychology. PS: Not a crystal lover. fildybejaoui.com