25/01 : @futurs_io accueille le meetup WiMLDS Paris @WiMLDS_Paris #WIMLDSParis #WiMLDS

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2 min readJan 25, 2018


Jeudi 25 janvier, de 19H à 22H, Futurs a le plaisir d’accueillir dans les locaux de Maltem le 3ème meetup du chapitre parisien du collectif “Women in Machine Learning & Data Science”.

Au programme de la soirée, Julie Josse (Polytechnique), Juliette Tisseyre (Margoconseil) et Elena Smirnova (Criteo) — qui nous expliquera comment préparer un entretien relatif au machine learning.

Pour vous inscrire, rendez-vous sur la page du meetup : https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/Paris-Women-in-Machine-Learning-Data-Science/events/245751709/

The Women in Machine Learning & Data Science (WiML&DS) Meetup aims to inspire and educate, regardless of gender, and support women in the field.

Our two first Meetup were amazing, thanks to all of you! Ready for the third one? We know that you enjoyed the round tables and the panel discussion. Let’s now do a tutorial!

See you soon !


19:00 — Introduction by Futurs

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19:10 — “Distributed Multi-Level Matrix Completion for Medical Databases” by Julie Josse, Professor @ Polytechnique

19:40 — “From Text Mining to Code Mining” by Juliette Tisseyre, Software Engineer @ MargoConseil

20:15 — Tutorial on “How to prepare a Machine Learning Interview” by Elena Smirnova

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21:00 — Networking / Cocktail

Romain Pigenel

Suivez Futurs sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/futurs_io




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