Metrics To Consider When Evaluating An Outbound Telecalling Agency

Rahul Sharma
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2022

An outbound telecalling company’s success is dependent on many factors, including their ability to convert prospects into clients. In order to measure whether an outbound telecalling agency is performing well, you must consider metrics such as the conversion rate, average order value and repeat call rates. To help you determine the best metrics and how they can be used in your own business model, this article will discuss metrics that are important for evaluating telemarketing and outbound call centers

While assessing the performance of an outbound telecalling agency, there are certain questions that you need to ask yourself. Here is a brief rundown of some good ones:

  • Have you provided them with clear objectives?
  • Do you have measurements in place to gauge and monitor the KPIs?
  • Does your telecalling team correspond with you frequently?
  • Are you sharing updates with the team regularly?

What should you be quantifying?

Determining which metrics to keep track of is a critical part of an effective methodology for outbound calling success. The metrics that you choose must contribute towards supporting the goals of your telemarketing campaign. Without the right metrics, getting a full and complete image of your current performance can be very difficult.

The following are seven metrics that you need to assess for evaluating your outbound telemarketing team:

Closing of the first call

This metric is one of the most important to follow for some associations. If a telecalling agent gets a prospective customer on the phone, that is the perfect time for closing the deal. A callback is more likely to have low-performance metrics, which are usually a waste of resources.

Rate of conversions

The conversion rate refers to the percentage of calls that resulted in a sale, appointment, or survey completion. It relies upon the general objective of your campaign curated by the outbound telemarketing agency.

Number of calls taken by an agent

This particular metric helps in determining the competency of the agents deployed your chosen outbound telecalling service provider. If the agents are not adequately motivated for taking calls, it can adversely affect your campaign’s outcomes. Make sure that you are clear with them about the volume of calls you expect them to take. Also, keep a keen eye on the number of dials per hour.

Contacts made each hour/day

This metric keeps tabs on the number of calls addressed and if any potential connection was established each hour/day. In other words, by evaluating this metric, you’d know whether or not the callers have spoken to any suitable prospect.

Duration of the calls taken

The time it takes to complete sales conversations can be used to fine-tune and adjust the presentation. Slow sales conversations may reduce success by customers losing interest and eventually hanging up.

Are your outbound telecallers taking too much time to finish calls while taking notes, adjusting their techniques, or simply wasting time? This time won’t just affect their typical call duration, but also influence the number of calls taken by them and contacts made each hour.

List Conversion

List conversion measures the number of prospects who converted to sales as compared to the total number of potential customers. A low conversion rate suggests that the calling list might be ineffective. Potential bad numbers, wrong numbers, disconnected numbers and improper inclusion of “do not call” numbers are some of the problems that can occur.

Quality of the calls

Call quality is a scoring system that assesses the quality of calls made by agents, based on how well they follow instructions. It is an excellent way to assess the whether or not the campaign is performing as per your expectations.


Bear in mind that maintaining constant communication with your telemarketing team is pivotal. It is fundamental that your agency has a full comprehension of what you want and then do everything possible to meet and surpass your expectations.

Are you looking for a high-performing, scalable outbound sales team with no fixed costs? At Futwork, we make the process of setting up a call easier and stress-free. Tap into the expertise of our team to optimize your outbound calling. Reach out to us for a consultation.

