Bi-Weekly Update: 12.10.2018

Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2018

Here is the first Bi-weekly update in October. This update contains AMA session, Electromagnetic wave certification in Korea(KC), and upcoming events.


Andrew Bae, CEO of FuzeX, conducted an AMA(Ask Me Anything) session for an hour via telegram on October 1st. It was an honest and genuine conversation from both sides. Your valuable comments and feedbacks about the FuzeX project will be closely reviewed to ensure FuzeX project success in the near future. We would like to thank you again for your participation in the AMA, and FuzeX team will continue to work diligently in order to satisfy your expectation for the FuzeX project.

For those who weren’t able to participate in AMA, you can find the main questions and answers during the session as below.

Q. Which BIN issuers are you currently working with?

Currently, FuzeX team is working with several issuers to obtain BIN. I would like to ask for your understanding that we cannot reveal the details at the moment.

Q. How much time will it take to issue the actual FuzeX card after the BIN approval, and how long will it take for the commercial launch?

After BIN is approved, there are some review and testing procedures that must be approved by the issuer and the scheme: Product Acceptance Test(“PAT”) and User Acceptance Test(“UAT”). FuzeX card launch will be made after we run the test successfully. However, this timeline is also something that FuzeX team cannot control. We are trying to complete all the process as soon as possible.

Q. Can FuzeX team share how far the review process has progressed after applying for BIN?

As mentioned above, this information is within the control of the issuer or the scheme. FuzeX team is in constant communication with the issuer, as far as updates are concerned.

Q. Do you have a plan to incinerate FXT?

There are no plans for incineration of FXT at the moment. However, we are reviewing various models of FXT liquidity and will inform you immediately if there are any changes in the future.

Q. Are there any other benefits for FXT holders beyond the white paper?

We are considering various benefits for holders and currently discussing with the issuers to ensure that FXT operate within acceptable criteria and scope in the network. We will make an announcement once confirmed.

Upcoming Events

FuzeX will sponsor Money2020 conference in Las Vegas, USA (October 21–24). Money2020 is a renowned global conference where industry experts and related companies from Fintech and future financial services gather to explore visions and innovative ways to cooperate with each other. More than 2,000 companies from over 100 countries around the world will participate in this event. As the industry’s interest continues to increase in the blockchain and cryptocurrency market, the scale of the event is growing as well.

Major sponsors include DASH (one of FuzeX’s strong alliance partners), MasterCard, Visa, AMEX, and Google.

The event also includes a large number of key figures, such as:

President of Coinbase Asiff Hirji; Chairman & co-founder of Ripple Chris Larsen; President of MasterCard Craig Vosburg; and VP of Amazon Pay Patrick Gauthier.

Through this conference, we will use the opportunity to increase exposure and publication surrounding FuzeX. We will also utilize the opportunity to increase networking by firmly establishing partnership with key players. The booth number for FuzeX is 2171. Please visit if you are planning to attend!

Electromagnetic Wave Test Certification

On October 1, FuzeX team has completed Electromagnetic Wave Test Certification(“CE”) in Korea(“KC”) for commercialization of FuzeX card. Electromagnetic Wave Test Certification is an essential 2FA authentication requirement, in regards to security enhancement. Due to the Smartcard features of our product, we can commercially launch FuzeX card only after receiving the Certification. By receiving the Certification in Korea, this will start a process in order for the FuzeX card to receive similar Certification in other countries as well. For reference, we are currently preparing to receive CE in Europe and Singapore and FCC in the US.

You can check the FuzeX name of Certification of Electromagnetic Wave Test in the below link

