FuzeX News: Pre-Sale Complete

FuzeX Team
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2018

The FuzeX Pre-Sale has officially finished. 20,000 ETH has been raised in the 18 day period from the beginning of the Pre-Sale (15th January 2018).

As well as the 20,000 ETH raised in the Pre-Sale, we also managed to raise 20,000 ETH during the Private Sale, too. This means that the total raised now stands at 40,000 ETH.

We would like to say a humungous thank you to our community, investors, partners, advisors and team for all the hard work and contributions that they have made through the Private and Pre-Sale. The FuzeX team will be taking this weekend (3rd & 4th February 2018) off to spend some much needed time with friends and family.

We will make announcements regarding the token unlocking date, KYC and the possibility of a FuzeX Public Sale at the beginning of next week (w/c 5th February 2018).

In the meantime, please read the short FAQ below that may answer any questions you have.


“My KYC has been approved and the Smart Contract address is still visible, can I still buy FXT Tokens?”

No. The smart contract will no long accept any contributions.

“Can I still do KYC?”

No. Until further notice the KYC process has been suspended.

“My KYC has been approved, what does this mean?”

This means that you have been approved and whitelisted, but unfortunately you will not be able to contribute as the Pre-Sale has finished.

“My KYC is pending, what does this mean?”

We have suspended the KYC process for the weekend. If you are still pending please wait.

“I have been approved for KYC, but I didn’t contributed to your Pre-Sale. What about my data?”

In accordance with data protection laws all unnecessary data will be deleted in due course.

Public Sale:

Please read this post first.

“Will there be a public sale?”

This is still TBD (To Be Determined). But we will make an announcement regarding the possibility of a Public Sale early next week (w/c 5th February 2018). In the event that there is a Public Sale, we will make a detailed announcement regarding every aspect of it next week.

(*EDIT: This does not mean there will be a Public Sale. This means that there will be an announcement regarding this next week)

We care about what the FuzeX community has to say. We have grown more or less all of our communities organically. There are a lot of you who have been with the Telegram community since the early days, when we had less than 500 members.

As such, we value your opinions and will consider them. So please let us know what you think.

FXT Token Unlocking

“When will our FXT Tokens be unlocked?”

Participants in our Private and Pre-Sale received their FXT tokens directly, but they are locked for 4 weeks until the ICO has completely finished. The date of the unlocking of the FXT Tokens will be dependent on whether or not there is a Public Sale.

Once we have made an announcement regarding the possibility of a Public Sale (see above), we will also then make an announcement regarding FXT Token unlocking. This announcement will be made next week (w/c 5th February 2018).

Miscellaneous Questions:

“Can I buy more FXT?”

No. So please be cautious of scammers impersonating FuzeX employees and community admins. We will NEVER offer “special deals” or advertise “special ETH addresses” or ways that you can get more FXT. Please be careful.

“I’m a member of the FuzeX Bounty program — what about me?”

Thank you for the support you have given us. We will make an announcement regarding the Bounty Program early next week. In the event that the Bounty Program is cancelled, we will average out your stakes for the remaining two weeks and honour our contributions. Decisions on FuzeX Card give aways will be made in the next couple of weeks.

Note: As of 1st February 2018 no new Bounty Program participants will be accepted.

“When Exchange?”

As per our road map we will be listed on partner exchanges in Q2. We will make an announcement regarding exactly when at a later date.

“When Lambo?”

Click here.

“When Moon?”

Click here.

