Project Update 1: 13.03.2018

FuzeX Team
Published in
5 min readMar 13, 2018

The FuzeX project is on course. Our Road Map targets are scheduled to be met, and some have also been brought forward to Q1. As you’d imagine we’ve been incredibly busy developing the FuzeX Ecosystem and filling out our teams with the necessary skilled individuals to achieve our goals.

As well as product development, a large part of February was taken up with developing relations with exchanges and forging strategic partnerships with other companies in the cryptocurrency/fintech “space”. Here’s a quick rundown of what we’ve been up to so far:

Exchange & FXT Unlock Update:

We’ll be listing on Cobinhood. Some of you following Cobinhood might have seen our entry in their diary for a fleeting moment, before it was deleted. This was due to a mix-up on dates, nothing more.

Cobinhood is the first of three exchanges we will be listed on this month. We aim to have listings on three exchanges simultaneously soon, but Cobinhood is the first we’ve confirmed, the second will be LiveCoin. For the other one we are still waiting for the required legal opinions and documentation relating to our FXT Token model. As soon as we have it, we will update our community accordingly with when and where we will list. After that, we will aim to list on two more exchanges in April. We will provide updates accordingly on this, too.

The FXT Tokens will also remain locked. FXT Token unlocking will coincide with exchange listing, the date of which we will announce soon. Please read this.

Edit: Section edited 22.03.2018 with updated exchange information and FXT Token unlocking details.

Event Update Money 20/20 Asia:

Our Business Development team will be in Singapore this week visiting the Money 20/20 Asia event from 13th to 15th March 2018. At the event there will be more than 15,000 people working in fintech and finance. 1 in 3 of which are C-Level and 2,700 are CEOs and/or Founding members of their respective companies. So there will be plenty of opportunities to network and strengthen existing business relationships.

Our team will mostly be on the look out for partnerships and regional issuers, but we also have a lot of meetings lined up with experts and companies working in the fields of compliance, fraud prevention, and identity validation. Both in the conventional finance industry and the blockchain side of things as well.

Understanding the complexities of these challenges and providing a rigorous and viable system to combat these issue will be the key to the longevity of the FuzeX project. For us and many of our competitors in this space, technology is not the bottleneck. Compliance issues are.

If you’re at the event and interested in meeting the team, drop one of our Telegram admins a message and they’ll arrange a meeting.

Partnership Updates:

We were busy meeting and greeting at the D10e event in Seoul this month. As a result of all the handshaking, we’ll be announcing two new strategic partnerships this month. We’ll send out separate updates and write-ups on both when we’ve wrapped up negotiations.

Both partnerships provide practical use cases for the FuzeX Card and overall FuzeX Ecosystem. Although the two pending partners are working in completely different industries, both companies are developing blockchain technology that will help to disrupt their respective areas of business. More to come next week.

FuzeW Update: New Product Development

As some of you may have heard; we’re developing a cold storage wallet too. We recently unveiled it at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Spain last month. The project is titled FuzeW and is slated for release towards the end of 2018. FXT Token holders will be able to buy the FuzeW with their FXT at a discount when it is commercially available.

Like the FuzeX Card, the FuzeW will have three-buttons and a card-like design. But unlike the FuzeX Card, the FuzeW will be a cold storage device with no payment functionality. It’ll be a straight up cryptocurrency storage device, with a heavy emphasis on security. The FuzeW will also have a larger (3.1 inches) screen. Additionally, it will have a built-in fingerprint recognition module for added security, and it will also be built from either stainless-steel or titanium for added durability.

The FuzeW product will help with the development of our FuzeX Biometric Card which is scheduled for release in early 2019. The products, although very different in their use cases, share common areas of development, and R&D in one will benefit the other.

Korean Community Update:

We’ve decided to create a Korean language group on Telegram. If you’re interested in the FuzeX project, speak Korean and feel that Kakaotalk’s lack of GIFs is a bad thing, then join us here.

안녕하십니까, FuzeX 커뮤니티 여러분. 얼마전, 다수 한국 유저여러분께서 요청하신 텔레그램 채널 추가 생성에 관하여 공지드립니다. 충분한 검토 후, 저희 FuzeX Team에서는 한국어 채널 생성을하게 되었습니다. 아쉽게도 텔레그램에서는 카카오톡만큼 이모티콘이 다양하지 않지만 FuzeX 프로젝트 진행에 있어서 관심이 있으시다면 자유롭게 한국어로 물어보십시오! 감사합니다. Click Here.

