Project Update: 29.03.2019

Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2019

First AMA of 2019

Andrew Bae, CEO of FuzeX, conducted the first AMA session of 2019 this Wednesday. A lot of community members have shown great interest and support. It was a meaningful time for both community members and FuzeX team to resolve queries and listen to sincere advise for FuzeX project.

Main questions and answers are as below.

Q. What is the progress of BIN approval?

As you may know, we’re now cooperating with 3 issuers each located in UK, US, and Singapore. We’re targeting to launch in US first as US issuance would not require an additional BIN sponsorship. Currently, we’re in the progress of due diligence for each party, and it would take approximately 8 weeks to finalize the contract.

FuzeX team will constantly work with Singapore and UK issuers as well during the period of due diligence of US issuer.

On the other note, Singapore, UK issuer, and the brand network’s risk management and compliance team are currently reviewing documents submitted from FuzeX. We are expecting to bring good news to the community soon.

Q. Is there any events or project update before BIN approval?

We are diligently working to extend the cryptourrency online payment platform starting from recent service launch. We will keep extending this platform to secure cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Q. What is the ETA of homepage renewal?

We will open the new homepage in early April, which includes card membership and card design. The detailed schedule will be announced asap.

You will be able to find the whole AMA session in the following official telegram.

Online cryptocurrency platform

As we have announced 18th of March, we have successfully opened an online cryptocurrency payment platform. As a first product, the most secure card type cold wallet FuzeW can be purchased with FXT. To celebrate service launch, we held a promotion and a lot of people have shown great interest. We will diligently work to support more payment coins and products in order to increase FXT utility and price stability.

New Listing: Upxide

We are pleased to announce new FXT listing in Upxide exchange starting from 3th of April. Upxide exchange was launched October last year and has recently acquired certification ‘ISO/IEC 27001’ of Information Security Management System to provide safe and secure cryptocurrency trading.

In addition, Upxided exchange is operating the crypto shop, selling more than 1,300 items that can be purchased with cryptocurrency to apply cryptocurrency in real life. To increase FXT utility and user experience, FXT will be also added as a payment coin in the crypto shop. We are happy to announce this news that all the products in the shop can be paid with FXT.

