Twitter’s Best Product Minds

1 min readAug 4, 2017


There’s a flood of information and resources available to get the best insights on product management, design and development. We’ve rounded up some of our favorites below.

Khoi Vin

Khoi is currently Principal Designer at Adobe, Design Chair at Wildcard and co-founder of Kidpost.

Alan Cooper

Alan is a Software Alchemist. He’s the founder of @Cooper, ‘Father of Visual Basic,’ inventor of design personas, produced ‘the first serious business software’ for PCs.

Luke Wrowblewski

LukeW is an internationally recognized digital product leader who has designed and built software used by more than one billion people worldwide.

Steven Troughton-Smith

Steve is an old-school iOS rockstar. He makes apps. Lots of apps.

Steven Sinofsky

Steve is a board partner at Andreessen Horowitz and writes a lot about shipping quality product.

Of course, don’t forget you can get great insights from the Fuzz team by following us on Twitter, or checking out the Fuzz Blog.

Thanks to Paul for pulling this great list.



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Award-winning mobile product agency. Based in Brooklyn.