14 Questions to Ask Your Team

Steph Ango
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2016

This is a questionnaire I created because the Lumi team was becoming big enough that people didn’t always have a chance to learn about each other on a deeper level.

We created an online form, and everyone on the team received the answers as they came in. It was a fun and insightful exercise, so I thought I’d share these questions, if you’d like to try them with your team. Feel free to expand or edit!

  1. What is your full name?
  2. What city were you born in?
  3. What city do you currently live in and how long have you lived there?
  4. What are/were your parents’ occupations?
  5. What are 2–5 hobbies/skills/activities that you enjoy the most? Can be work, personal, anything.
  6. What are 2–5 things you would like to learn or get better at?
  7. What is one thing you are strangely good at?
  8. Who is one person that has significantly inspired you or affected your life in a meaningful way? How so?
  9. What is one place that has significantly inspired you or affected your life in a meaningful way? How so?
  10. What is one thing that makes you feel anxious or nervous?
  11. What is one thing that makes you feel relaxed, calm, at peace?
  12. What is one thing that makes you feel excited or fired up — in a good way?
  13. Who are 5–10 people (alive or dead, fictional or real) that you admire?
  14. What was one of your favorite creations you experienced in the past year, and why? Could be anything from music, tv, movie, restaurant, museum, book, article, podcast, theater, etc

