Circle, Square, Diamond

Alistair Croll
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2019

When we set out to create a digital government conference three years ago, we wanted to make it aspirational and nonpartisan. That’s how we got our name: Neither left, nor right, but forward; and considering not only what policies we need urgently (in 50 days), but what platforms we can build (in 50 months) and what kind of society we want (in 50 years.)

That narrative guided our content, dividing talks into three distinct timeframes. But digital government has come a long way in a few short years, so while the name and goal remain the same, we’re going to change the structure of the 2019 event.

After all, if we’re going to encourage governments and innovators to try out new things, we should too. That kind of thinking is what got us Circlesquare, a groundbreaking new format for interactions that was the highlight of 2018.

So we’re going to let that kind of thinking continue. By now, many people in national, provincial, state, and municipal governments have drunk the proverbial Kool-Aid: Digital approaches can deliver new services to wider groups iteratively and efficiently, and citizens expect them to make it work.

So instead of 50 days, 50 months, and 50 years, our tracks will include a beginner, and intermediate, and an advanced track. Or, if you’re a skier, green circles; blue squares; and black diamonds.

Photo by Holly Mandarich on Unsplash.

We’ll still have the popular Industry Innovations track, where our partners can talk about the latest advances in technology, products, and services. But we want to structure content so people can choose the level of detail and challenge they prefer.

  • If you’re new to digital government, the Green Circle track will offer introductory content: How is digital culturally different from past approaches to service delivery? What’s working around the world? And what successes are we seeing at home?
  • For those with some experience, the Blue Square track will talk about the bumpy parts of change. How do you provide a safe space for innovation? What do leaders need to know to walk the fine line between technology and policy?
  • And for experts, the Black Diamond track will look at emerging technologies and fringe ideas that promise even more disruption in coming years. Will the future be a Black Mirror dystopia—or an idyllic life of ease? How will massive changes in automation, climate change, machine-generated falsehood, digital warfare and more affect our ability to function as a society, and what can technologists do to tackle these issues?

So get ready to race through some amazing new content this November. If you’ve got a talk you want to give, we’ll be opening our 2019 Call for Proposals shortly.

(And remember, you can always suggest a speaker (or yourself) through our contact form—as well as find out how to buy group tickets, support the event, or get involved.)

What lies ahead? Let’s find out together. Photo by Geoffrey Arduini on Unsplash



Alistair Croll

Writer, speaker, accelerant. Intersection of tech & society. Strata, Startupfest, Bitnorth, FWD50. Lean Analytics, Tilt the Windmill, HBS, Just Evil Enough.