A Lesson in Self-Belief

Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2016

“We are not here just to take part; we are here to takeover” — Connor McGregor July 2014

The stage was set, November 12th, 2016 Madison Square Garden. McGregor vs Alvarez for the UFC Lightweight title. A chance at making history by becoming the first man to be a simultaneous two weight world champion. McGregor stopped Alvarez in the second round securing a monumental victory but not only did he win, he made it look absolutely effortless.

Leading up to the fight, The Notorious one was up to his usual shenanigans, heckling his opponent at every opportunity and generally being brash and arrogant to nobody’s surprise. He has developed into one of the greatest trash talkers and most controversial figures sport has seen over the years. That being said, all the mind games aside, McGregor truly excels at his craft, and his skill-set and abilities should not be undermined. Eddie Alvarez is no amateur and has been professional for 13 years boasting an impressive record of 28–4 (now 28–5) coming into the fight. However, Alvarez was knocked down three times within the first five minutes of the fight and was put away within the second round.

What I found the most fascinating about all of this was his confidence. McGregor constantly stated how superior he is during the buildup to the fight which I understand can be seen as overly confident. However, I do believe at times we downplay ourselves and how good we really are. On this occasion, he set his goals trained hard and accomplished them in convincing fashion. Asked in the post-fight interview if he was surprised he responded, “Not one bit, they’re not on my level.” Although a favourite, he still had doubters leading up to the fight. Yet this didn’t shake his self-belief. He knew within himself the work he had put in, his own strengths and what he is capable of and he duly delivered.

“your life is a physical manifestation of the thoughts in your head”

McGregor, alongside numerous other successful figures, exhibit similar traits which all stem down from the law of attraction. The rule explained (if unfamiliar with the term) is that we have the ability to attract into our lives whatever we focus on. Whether that is owning a successful business in the future or graduating your course at university with a first, whatever thoughts we fill our mind with will eventually come to fruition. I am a firm believer that there is power in the tongue and we have the ability to speak things into existence. Positive thoughts and affirmations coupled with strong work ethic can lead you to great success in whatever path you choose to follow in life. Tell yourself you’re great, believe you can do it and take the right steps towards achieving your goals.

Don’t get me wrong, we all take L’s. It’s a part of life but what defines us is our ability to bounce back. There will always be doubters and naysayers. However, if we put the time into our craft and have faith in God, the future is bright. Our thoughts become our realities so it’s important that we dream big, set goals, work hard and keep faith.

“If you limit your choice only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.” — Robert Fritz, The Path of Least Resistance

The rest is history.

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“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self”