Apples Ultimate Plan for the Future

Effs Pablo
Published in
6 min readSep 30, 2017

Apple is the is the number one most valuable company in the world. It’s worth billions of dollars and are in race to becoming the first ever trillion dollar company. Although many people know the company for their innovative mobile devices, their main goal has always been something far bigger and that’s services, and in the very near future, transportation. Lets start with the services.

Apple Store

The Apple Store was Apples way of getting closer to their customers. When you buy an Apple devices and something happens to it, where do you go to get help? For years now Apple has been opening Apple stores in major cities and towns and as of 2017, there are more than 361 Apple stores around the world. When it comes to customer services, no one can compete with Apple. Except maybe Amazon. Amazons customer service is pretty good.

Apple care

You Cracked your phone? Lose your Apple Watch? Apple will just give you a new one free of charge. As long as you have Apple care that it is. If not you’re screwed. I went to the Apple store the other day to get a new MacBook charger as my old one stopped working. I asked the Apple Store guy where their MacBook MagSafe charger was. He picked one out for me and CASUALLY said “That’ll be £79 please”. I had £25 pounds on me. Why is a piece of string with only one job so expensive?

Apple Music

Apple Music. Available free for all iPhone users…for three months that is. Beats one radio is officially the biggest radio station In the world and it doesn’t really take a rocket scientist to see that Apple is really trying to turn Apple Music into a Record Label rather than a streaming service.

Those who has joined the Apple Music exclusive train has experienced unprecedented levels of success.

Apple TV Streaming Service

Apple is working on their own TV streaming service to compete with the likes of Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. But unlike Netflix and Amazon, Apple wants every tv show and movies ever made to be streamable via their service. When the movie/tv studios asked Apple why they should give them access to all their video Library, they responded with, “because we’re Apple”.

With iTunes Apple Already has access to most of all the biggest movies and tv show via the iTunes Store. When they get the green light, they just have to make it a pay to stream service rather than a single purchase service

Apples Upgrade Plan

Now you don’t need to worry about getting your phone from your careers. Just get it from Apple instead. New iPhone every year. Later the Apple Watch will join too. Then the MacBook and iPad.

In the future: The Apple Service

So in the future there will be an Apple service program. Unlimited music, tv shows, and movies which will complete all your entertainment needs. You’ll also get Apple Care and a free iPhone, Apple Watch and ipad/MacBook every year.

For £1000+ a year. 1k is actually pretty generous as this is Apple. Why is it so expensive?

Project Titan

It’s been rumoured for a long time now that Apple has been working on a car. At this point it’s pretty much not s rumour any more. Apple is working on a car. The Apple Car will be part of the Apple service and it might go something like this.

There could be three versions of the Apple Car:

The Apple Pod

This version will be for normal, local city use cases and will be available to anyone to use. More with that in a second

Apple Business and family Car

self explanatory really.

Apple Sports Car.

I can see Apple pricing this version in the billions. Why? Because Apple. Only the very wealthy can afford it. The poor ones has to settle for a Lamborghini. Of course it’s going to be the fastest car in the world. Why? Because Apple.

If Apple is creating a car, it’s not far fetched to say they’ll be going all in in both it’s design and the technology that’ll be built in. Just like what they did with the the iPhone in 2007 the car is about to get its own Apple Innovation. We will also expect to them have the latest present/future technology which will obviously include fully autonomous self driving capability, Augmented Reality and of course Artificial intelligence. Your future car will be powered by Siri. It’ll also be electric. Obviously.

The Apple Car service

You will not own any of the cars personally. With the Apple service program a car can be summoned to your location at any time. With biometric authentication it will recognise you and allow you access inside. You will then be able to drive to your chosen location via self driving or yourself taking the wheel. Pretty much apples version of Uber. When you get to your location, the car will drive off to serve someone else when you get out. Depending on which car you choose, prices will increase with the Sports version being the most expensive with a starting price of a million plus a year.

You can also choose additional add ons to your Car service such as a personal add on where the car will only be used by you or family members. Of course that’ll also set you back a couple of grands.

Why offer this instead of a straight purchase? Because it’s not the product that’s important it’s the service. Apple will like you to rely on them for transportation and as commuting is something we tend to do the most of, it’s time for the tech industry to disrupt this industry which both Uber and Elon Musk has already began doing. Ones Apple concurs local transportation, the next level will be the skies.

One day the “Apple Airport” May become a reality.

Sadly many people will lose their jobs because of this but as our wold becomes more automated, we will have to make some sacrifices. It sucks but this is is nothing new. Innovation comes with its pros and cons.

There is also the little things such as regulations and who is responsible after an accidents that may occur but these things will be sorted out ones this technology starts taking off.

Of course I’m using Apple as an example for the future of transportation but the other three horsemen, Amazon, Google and Facebook will not be far behind. Samsung, Tesla and Uber will definitely be in on it too.



Effs Pablo
Writer for

Music, Tech and the fundamental questions to life's biggest questions!